Strange Illusion

Strange Illusion

Alpha Video (Mar 31, 1945)
Crime | Drama | Film Noir | Mystery | Thriller
USA | English | Color | 01:20
1 disc
Region 1
Snap Case

An adolescent believes that his widowed mother's suitor may have murdered his father.

Cast View all

Jimmy Lydon Paul Cartwright
Sally Eilers Virginia Cartwright
Warren William Brett Curtis
Regis Toomey Dr. Vincent
Charles Arnt Professor Muhlbach
George Reed Benjamin
Jayne Hazard Dorothy Cartwright
Jimmy Clark George Hanover
Mary McLeod Lydia
Pierre Watkin Wallace Armstrong - District Attorney
Sonia Sorel Charlotte Farber
Victor Potel Mac - Game Warden
George Sherwood Langdon
Gene Roth Police Detective Sparks
John Hamilton Bill Allen - Bank President
Edmund Cobb Police Driver
Theresa Harris Maid
Charles Wagenheim Tom

Crew View all

Director Edgar G. Ulmer
Writer Adele Comandini, Fritz Rotter
Producer Leon Fromkess
Musician Leo Erdody
Photography Philip Tannura