The Limping Man

The Limping Man

Alpha Video (Dec 11, 1953)
Crime | Drama | Thriller
USA | English | Black & White | 01:16
1 disc
Region 1
Snap Case

An American veteran returns to England after WWII to learn that his London lover has become involved with a dangerous spy ring and their search for a limping sniper.

Cast View all

Lloyd Bridges Franklyn Pryor
Moira Lister Pauline French
Alan Wheatley Inspector Braddock
Leslie Phillips Cameron
Hélène Cordet Helene Castle
Bruce Beeby Kendall Brown
Andre Van Gyseghem Stage Door Keeper
Tom Gill Stage Manager
Lionel Blair The Dancer
Robert Harbin The Magician
Charles Botterill (ii) The Xylophonist
Rachel Roberts Barmaid
Verne Morgan Stone
Raymond Rollett Jonas
Irissa Cooper The Maid
Maxwell Gardner Airport Official
Jon Evans Police Scientist
Olive Lucius T. V. Hostess
Marjorie Hume The Landlady
Jean Marsh The Landlady's Daughter
Max Boisot The Child
Louise Cordet The Child
Margaret Hotine
Michael Bowen
Kay Callard