The Last Outpost

The Last Outpost

Paramount Pictures (Oct 11, 1935)
Action | Adventure | Romance
USA | English | Black & White | 01:12
1 disc
Region 1

During WW1, the destinies of British officers Michael Andrews and John Stevenson seem intertwined on the battle front as much as on a more personal level.

Cast View all

Cary Grant Michael Andrews
Gertrude Michael Rosemary
Claude Rains John Stevenson
Margaret Swope Nurse Rowland
Jameson Thomas Cullen
Nick Shaid Haidar
Kathleen Burke Ilya
Colin Tapley Lieutenant Prescott
Billy Bevan Private Foster
Claude King General
Frazer Acosta Armenian Officer
Robert Adair Sergeant in General's Office
William Brown Sgt. Bates
Malay Clu Armenian Guard
Frank Dawson Surgeon
Elspeth Dudgeon Head Nurse
Frank Elliott Colonel
Carey Harrison Officer
Ramsay Hill Captain
Olaf Hytten Doctor
Ward Lane Colonel
Meyer Ouhayou Armenian Patriarch
Ray Rakowski Indian
Georges Renavent Turkish Major
Harry Semels Amrak