Super Friends!: Season 1

Super Friends

Super Friends!: Season 1

Warner Brothers (Sep 08, 1973)
TV Series | Action | Animation | Children | Television
USA | English | Color | 06:00
Season 1: Volume 1
NR (Not Rated)
| 2 discs
Region 1
Snap Case

The greatest of the DC Comics superheroes work together to uphold the good with the help of some young proteges.

Episodes View details

1 The Power Pirate 35 min | Sep 08, 1973

Anthro, an alien from the planet Traum, is stealing Earth's energy resources to power his planet- until the Super Friends stop him. Disguising himself as an inspector from Scotland Yard, he enlists the help of the Super Friends to help him steal the Earth's energy to take back to Traum.

2 The Baffles Puzzle 35 min | Sep 15, 1973

The mysterious Professor Baffles is making money and valuable objects disappear- until the Super Friends unravel his puzzle and stop him. The professor has embarked on a crusade to destroy all literature, art and music with a chemical that he has developed. His two accomplices use Professor Baffles' crusade to extort money from the United States government.

3 Professor Goodfellow's G.E.E.C. 35 min | Sep 22, 1973

Professor Goodfellow invents the G.E.E.C. (Goodfellow's Effort-Eliminating Computer), which is capable of running everything in the world, freeing people from all physical labor, brainwork and responsibility. When it begins to malfunction, the Super Friends have to convince him that it's not natural for people to be inactive all the time. It takes all the combined efforts of the Super Friends to repair the computer and return the world to its normal state.

4 The Weather Maker 35 min | Sep 29, 1984

Glaciers are melting, gigantic whirlpools are forming, and there are icebergs in the South Pacific. When the Super Friends chart these drastic changes in the weather, a pattern soon begins to emerge. They discover that scientist Dr. Thinkwik hopes to shift the Gulf Stream from its regular position to warm his Arctic country, Glacia, but the Super Friends stop him and help him find another way.

5 Dr. Pelagian's War 35 min | Oct 13, 1984

A marine scientist fights pollution by creating natural disasters to force three industrialists to stop polluting. The nation's three leading industrialists receive a warning from a computerized albatross: "Listen to the voice of Dr. Pelagian, you have one hour to stop pollution of the seas before the sea strikes back!" The Super Friends must get the stubborn industrialists to meet with Dr. Pelagian before his tactics endanger the country.

6 The Shamon 'U' 35 min | Oct 19, 1985

Dr. Shamon is using a giant magnetic "U," a laser gun, to draw a solid gold meteorite to the Earth. However, he's unaware of the fact that his "sky-mining" technique has reelased some exotic gases from the space cloud, which, when united with the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere, form a green mist and a red mist. The green mist causes animals and plants to grow many times their normal size, while the red mists causes animals and plants to shrink.

7 Too Hot to Handle 35 min | Nov 03, 1979

An alien from the plant Solar Terrarium moves the Earth out of its orbit and closer to the sun so his people can move from their own freezing planet. However, this causes destructive heat waves. The Super Friends are told by the government's leading scientist that a strange new wave of magnetism is drawing the Earth from its orbit toward the sun. They must discover what's causing the increased magnetic pull and stop it. The alien is stopped by the Super Friends and guest hero The Flash.

8 The Androids 35 min | Oct 27, 1973

A misguided scientist uses androids to try to sabotage the space program, but the Super Friends stop him. As the Super Friends watch the launch of Apollo 20, neither they nor the government know that the astronauts aboard have been replaced by androids. Apollo 20 crashes to Earth. Dr. Rebos threatens to sabotage the manned launch to Mars unless the government calls a complete halt to its space program.