Super Friends!: Season 1: Volume 2

Super Friends

Super Friends!: Season 1: Volume 2

Warner Brothers (Nov 03, 1973)
TV Series | Action | Animation | Children | Television
USA | English | Color | 06:00
Season 1: Volume 2
NR (Not Rated)
| 2 discs
Region 1
Snap Case

The greatest of the DC Comics superheroes work together to uphold the good with the help of some young proteges.

Episodes View details

9 The Balloon People 35 min | Nov 03, 1973

A family of aliens from the planet Balunia leave their polluted planet for a home on Earth. After their flying saucer lands, the balloon people are befriended by the Super Friends. However, the news reports of these unusual guests prompt ambitious scholar Noah Tall to devise a plan to capture the balloon people. When they're kidnapped, the Super Friends must rescue them.

10 The Fantastic FRERPs 35 min | Nov 10, 1973

King Plasto steals raw plastic powder to create Frerp, a special plastic which he uses to confound the Super Friends. The king has been intercepting every shipment of the powder on its way to the government space research station because he intends to use the raw powder for his own means. The Super Friends set out to end his reign of terror.

11 The Ultra Beam 35 min | Nov 17, 1973

A pair of scientists, believing that gold is the root of all evil, set out to destroy it with a blue beam until the Super Friends stop them. A blue ray emitting an ultra-beam has been extracting tiny electrical particles called quarks, turning all the gold remaining in the earth into a useless residual metal. The Super Friends tour various mining regions hoping to find an answer to this phenomenon when they see the mysterious blue jet and the ultra-beam.

12 The Menace of the White Dwarf 35 min | Nov 24, 1973

A strange UFO penetrates Earth's air space. Along its flight path, it has managed to "pull up" and carry along a number of objects. Col. Wilcox explains to the Super Friends that the UFO snatched up a total of 14,000 tons. Superman soon learns that his old arch-enemy Raven is behind these strange occurrences. The evil scientist Raven has escaped from prison to take revenge.

13 The Mysterious Moles 35 min | Dec 01, 1973

Important research projects have been closed down, and the Super Friends are called in to find and restore disappearing air conditioning units. The Super Friends' mission leads then into a strange new subterranean world discovered by a pair of spelunkers. They are forced to fight the creatures of that world, animated trees and rocks.

14 Gulliver's Gigantic Goof 35 min | Dec 08, 1973

Using his micro-wave reducer, mad Dr. Hiram Gulliver shrinks all adults- including the Superfriends- to two inches tall to help the population problem (by saving resources)... and also to rule over them (he will remain full-sized to watch over the mini population of the world). The Green Arrow joins the Superfriends to stop him and to return things to normal.

15 The Planet-Splitter 35 min | Dec 15, 1973

Eccentric, ingenious scientist Dr. Laban has stolen the largest diamonds in the world to power his "planet splitter," a device capable of splitting a planet in half, intending to tow half of it to Earth as a second moon. While the Super Friends guard the remaining diamonds in the world, Wendy and Marvin follow Dr. Laban to his secret laboratory, where Laban tells him of his plan.

16 The Watermen 35 min | Dec 22, 1973

A strange spacecraft has been forced to land on Earth after a meteor hit the fuel tank of the craft. In an attempt to return from the planet Sagittarius, the craft begins gathering silicon from sea water to fuel the ship. Aliens from the water planet steal the silicon from Earth's oceans, upsetting the ecological balance and creating a red tide and famine among ocean creatures. The Super Friends stop them and help them find a new source of silicon.