Juno And The Paycock

Juno And The Paycock

Mill Creek Entertainment (Dec 30, 1929)
Adventure | Drama | Foreign
UK | Italian | Black & White | 01:25
1 disc
Region 1

During the Irish revolution, a family earns a big inheritance. They start leading a rich life, forgetting what the most important values of life really are. At the end, they discover they will not receive that inheritance; the family is destroyed and penniless. They must sell their home and start living like vagabonds.

Cast View all

Barry Fitzgerald The Orator
Maire O'Neill Mrs. Maisie Madigan
Edward Chapman Captain Boyle
Sidney Morgan 'Joxer' Daly
Sara Allgood Mrs. Boyle ('Juno')
John Laurie Johnny Boyle
Dave Morris Jerry Devine
Kathleen O'Regan Mary Boyle
John Longden Charles Bentham
Dennis Wyndham The Mobiliser
Fred Schwartz Mr. Kelly
Donald Calthrop Needle Nugent
George Spence Man in Crowd