The Champion

The Champion

The Essanay Film Manufacturing Company (Mar 11, 1915)
Comedy | Silent | Sports
USA | English | Black & White | 00:33
1 disc
Region 1

Walking along with his bulldog, Charlie finds a "good luck" horseshoe just as he passes a training camp advertising for a boxing partner "who can take a beating." After watching others lose, Charlie puts the horseshoe in his glove and wins. The trainer prepares Charlie to fight the world champion. A gambler wants Charlie to throw the fight. He and the trainer's daughter fall in love.

Cast View all

Charlie Chaplin Challenger
Gilbert M. 'Broncho Billy' Anderson Enthusiastic Fan
Billy Armstrong Sparring Partner
Lloyd Bacon Second Sparring Partner
Bill Cato First Sparring Partner
Frank Dolan Second Stretcher Bearer
W. Coleman Elam Bit Role
Eddie Fries Bit Role
Bud Jamison Bob Uppercut - Champion
Daniel P. Kelleher Second Cop
Paddy McGuire Sparring Partner
Edna Purviance Trainer's Daughter
Jess Robbins Bit Role
Carl Stockdale Sparring Partner
Ben Turpin Ringside Vendor
Ernest Van Pelt Spike Dugan
Leo West Bit Role
Leo White Crooked Gambler
Fred Windemere Cop
Henry Youngman Bit Role

Crew View all

Director Charlie Chaplin
Writer Charlie Chaplin
Producer Jess Robbins
Musician Robert Israel
Photography Harry Ensign