Murder By Contract

Film Noir Classics I

Murder By Contract

Columbia Pictures (Dec 1958)
Action | Crime | Drama | Film Noir | Thriller
USA | English | Black & White | 01:21
1 disc
Region 1

Claude is a ruthless and efficient contract killer. His next target, a woman, is the most difficult.

Cast View all

Vince Edwards Claude
Phillip Pine Marc
Herschel Bernardi George
Caprice Toriel Billie Williams
Michael Granger Mr. Moon
Kathie Browne Mary
Joseph Mell Harry
Frances Osborne Miss Wiley
Steven Ritch Detective Shooting Tear Gas
Janet Brandt Woman in Movie Theater
Davis Roberts Hall of Records Clerk
Don Garrett James William Mayflower
Gloria Victor Miss Wexley
Cisco Houston Gun Salesman
William H. O'Brien Hotel Take-Out Delivery Man

Crew View all

Director Irving Lerner
Writer Ben Simcoe, Ben Maddow
Producer Leon Chooluck
Musician Perry Botkin Sr.
Photography Lucien Ballard