Shadow Of Chinatown

Shadow Of Chinatown

Whirlwind Media (Oct 10, 1936)
Action | Adventure | Horror
USA | English | Color | 05:00
1 disc
Region 1

The story involves European importing firms in San Francisco, hurting from Chinese competition, who think their problem can be solved by keeping Occidentals out of Chinatown. They direct their business leader, an Eurasian woman named Sonya Rokoff (Luana Walters) to do this, and she hires another Eurasian, Victor Poten (Bela Lugosi), a scientist who needs money to continue his undisclosed experiments. Poten employs some thugs in Chinese disguise to create mayhem, enough that the police will close Chinatown. But newspaper reporter Joan Whiting (Joan Barclay) enlists aid of her friend, Martin Andrews (Herman Brix), a writer of a book about Chinatown, and they are immediately drawn into the action when Andrews' servant and information source, Willy Fu (Maurice Liu) is abducted by the thugs. As might be expected, Victor Poten has his own agenda, involving a superior race of his own creation, and he soon takes over and expands the project, to the horror of Sonya Rokoff. It may not make a lot of sense, but it keeps the plot boiling for fifteen chapters.

Cast View all

Bela Lugosi Victor Poten
Bruce Bennett Martin Andrews
Joan Barclay Joan Whiting
Luana Walters Sonya Rokoff - aka The Dragon Lady Chs. 1-14
Maurice Liu Willy Fu
Charles King Grogan - Henchman Chs. 1-13
William Buchanan Healy - Henchman
Forrest Taylor Police Capt. Walters Chs. 1-7 / 12-15
John Cowell White Chinaman Ch. 1
James B. Leong Wong Chs. 5-13
Henry T. Tung Dr. Wu Chs. 1-5 / 12-15
Paul Fung Tom Chu Chs. 1 / 2
George Chan Old Luce Chs. 1 / 2 / 7
Moy Ming Charlie - Wong's Brother Chs. 10-11
Victor Adamson Weasel-Looking Henchman Chs. 1 / 4-7
Lester Dorr Steamship Ticket Clerk Ch. 7
John Elliott Ship's Captain Chs. 8-10
Jack Evans Henchman
Harrison Greene Mayor Foley Ch. 1
Henry Hall Dr. Zander / Psychiatrist Ch. 12
Robert F. Hill Pedestrian Ch. 14
Richard Loo Loo / Chinese Man on Street Chs. 5-7
Bruce Mitchell Riley - Police Officer Chs. 1 / 4 / 13
Roger Williams Newspaper Editor Harrison Chs. 5 / 7 / 13 / 15
Victor Wong Bystander Ch. 2

Crew View all

Director Robert F. Hill
Writer Robert F. Hill, William Buchanan
Producer Sam Katzman
Musician Lee Zahler
Photography William Hyer