

Allied Artists (Mar 16, 1938)
Comedy | Drama | Romance
USA | English | Black & White | 01:30
1 disc
Region 1

When linguistics professor Henry Higgins boasts that he can pass off Cockney flower girl Eliza Doolittle as a princess with only six months' training, Colonel George Pickering takes him up on the bet. Eliza moves into Higgins's home and begins her rigorous training after the professor comes to a financial agreement with her dustman father, Alfred. But the plucky young woman is not the only one undergoing a transformation.

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Leslie Howard Professor Henry Higgins
Wendy Hiller Eliza Doolittle
Wilfrid Lawson Alfred Doolittle
Marie Lohr Mrs. Higgins
Scott Sunderland Colonel Pickering
Jean Cadell Mrs. Pearce
David Tree Freddy Eynsford Hill
Everley Gregg Mrs. Eynsford Hill
Leueen MacGrath Clara Eynsford Hill
Esme Percy Count Aristid Karpathy
Violet Vanbrugh Ambassadress
Iris Hoey Ysabel - Social Reporter
Viola Tree Perfide - Social Reporter
Irene Browne Duchess
Kate Cutler Grand Old Lady
Cathleen Nesbitt A Lady
O.B. Clarence A Vicar
Wally Patch First Bystander
H.F. Maltby Second Bystander
George Mozart Third Bystander
Ivor Barnard Sarcastic Bystander
Cecil Trouncer First Policeman
Stephen Murray Second Policeman
Eileen Beldon Mrs. Higgins' Parlourmaid
Frank Atkinson Taxi-Driver