Jem And The Holograms: The Complete Series

Jem And The Holograms: The Complete Series

Oct 11, 2011


Jem And The Holograms: The Complete Series

Shout! Factory (Oct 06, 1985)
TV Series | Animation | Television
USA | English | Color | 25:00
NR (Not Rated)
| 1 disc
Region 1

This fabulous 80's cartoon was every little girls dream come true. Jerrica Benton's father has left her a very special gift. It's Synergy, a holographic projection system that can create illusions of anything, anywhere, anytime. Jerrica uses Synergy to create Jem, her alter ego and the lead singer of Jem and The Holograms to save her father's company: Starlight Music. This popular cartoon series chronicles this band's adventures as well as their arch rivals The Misfits and their friends The Stingers. The music of these three groups is definately the highlight of the show. Jem is a "truly outrageous" cartoon with a message of love, friendship, ambition, and rock-n-roll.

Cast View all

Samantha Newark Jem
Cathianne Blore Aja Leith
Cindy McGee Shana Elmsford
Britta Phillips Jem
Ellen Bernfeld Pizzazz
Patricia Alice Albrecht Anne
Samantha Paris Roxanne Pelligrini
Michael Sheehan Rio Pacheco
Susan Blu Stormer
Charlie Adler Eric Raymond
Linda Dangcil Carmen Alonso
Marlene Aragon Synergy
Louise Dorsey Jetta
Noelle North Video
Wally Burr Emmett Benton
Cathy Cavadini Clash
Neil Ross Howard Sands
Townsend Coleman Cisco
Michael Horton Jeff Wright
T.K. Carter Anthony Julian
Ari Gold Ba Nee
Walker Edmiston Harvey Gabor
Ellen Gerstell Phoebe Ashe
Kath Soucie Ingrid Kruger
Desirée Goyette Danse

Episodes View details

1 S1E1: The Beginning 30 min | Oct 06, 1985

After the death of her father Emmett Benton, Jerrica Benton inherits Starlight House (a foster home for girls) and half of the music company Starlight Music. Unfortunately Starlight House is falling apart, so Jerrica follows the advice of her housekeeper Mrs. Bailey and goes to get money to fix the house from Starlight Music. But when Jerrica arrives she finds that her father's office has been completely taken over by Eric Raymond. He was Emmett's business partner and inherited the other half of the music company - while polite to Jerrica, he soon makes it clear that he thinks she's too young to be co-CEO. Eric has big plans to make Starlight Music a huge success, so he hires his own band: Pizzazz, Roxy, and Stormer, a.k.a. the Misfits. The girls are wild and out of control and their music is rough, tough, and cutting edge. On top of that they are completely rude to Jerrica (who calls them trash). Eric tells Jerrica that Starlight Music will be holding a Battle of the Bands in th

2 S1E2: Disaster [aka Set Backs] 30 min | Oct 27, 1985

Jerrica, Aja, Kimber, Shana and the Starlight Girls escape from the burning house. The house is burned to the ground. The girls loose everthing. So Jem asks Howard Sands the movie producer if they can move into the mansion he is offering as a prize for the Battle Of The Bands Concert. Jem And The Holograms are invited by the Countess to a party that she is having on her yacht. The Misfits crash the party and the Misfits sneak into the control room. Pizzazz starts messing around with the controls which causes the yacht to head straight for a ship. Jem is thrown over the side and the episodes ends with Jem hanging on the side of the yacht. This synopsis was done by astro_smurf.

3 S1E3: Kimber's Rebellion 30 min | Nov 17, 1985

The Holograms head to Paris to shoot their first video, "Twilight in Paris". Kimber is jealous of all the attention Jem gets in the video shoot. Eric offers Kimber a solo contract. Kimber declines, but later feels unappreciated and decides to leave the Holograms. The Holograms go to Kimber's favorite radio station and express their appreciation for her. Fortunately, she hears them, and the band makes up. Meanwhile, Ashley, one of the Starlight girls, grows angry with Jerrica and the Holograms and makes friends with the Misfits.

4 S1E4: Frame Up 30 min | Dec 08, 1985

Rio gets Jem to safety before she gets crushed and takes her to Lin-Z's dressing room to recover while the Holograms finish the interview. The Holograms arrive at the dressing room just as Jem and Rio are kissing - flustered, Rio leaves. Jem worries that if she tells Rio the truth now he'll think she was deliberately manipulating and humiliating him. A few days later Mrs. Bailey tells Jerrica about how Ashley's been running off without telling anyone where she's gone. Jerrica tries to talk to Ashley but is interrupted by a Las Vegas casino owner who wants to make a deal with her. Jerrica signs the Holograms to be headliners at a show at his place, not knowing until afterwards that the Misfits are the opening act. The Misfits are also outraged when they find out, but Pizzazz decides to use Ashley to help them manuever into becoming the main act. Ashley lures Aja out of the casino and into the storage compartment of a bus heading for New York. Roxy and Stomer lock her in as Pizzazz

5 S1E5: Battle of the Bands 30 min | Dec 29, 1985

Malone runs from the explosion while Synergy calls to Jerrica that there is an intruder at the Drive-In. Aja catches up to Malone while Synergy disguises the Rockin' Roadster; she tails Malone to a one hour photo and then to Starlight Music. Realizing that Eric will want to take Synergy and exploit her for his own purposes, the girls rent a moving van and head back to the Starlight Drive-In. They are surprised to see Synergy in a heap on the floor, but it turns out it was just a hologram she projected to scare Malone off. Jerrica, Kimber, Aja, and Shana proceed to take her apart. Meanwhile, Malone shows Eric the pictures and offers the theory that, since Jem entered the room and Jerrica left it, the two of them are the same person. Eric doesn't believe it since he's seen the two of them together before, but he does believe that the computer is important to the Holograms' act. He hires Zipper and another thug to come with him to the Drive-In and steal Synergy, but Jerrica and the

6 S2E1: Starbright (1): Falling Star 30 min | Jul 05, 1986

Jem stars in Howard Sands' new movie, part of the prize she and the Holograms won in the Battle of the Bands. But Pizzazz convinces her father to buy the movie studio making the film and give ownership to Eric who quickly seizes control of the film and adds the Misfits to the cast. Eric places the focus of the film on the Misfits and Jem and the Holograms are relegated to supporting roles. Finally fed up with the Misfits' disruptive behavior, Jem and the Holograms, along with Video, quit the movie. But Jerrica receives shocking news about Starlight Girl Ba Nee, who has been diagnosed with a rare optical condition that will leave her blind within a matter of months.

7 S2E2: Starbright (2): Colliding Stars 30 min | Jul 19, 1986

Horrified at the news of Ba Nee's impending blindness, Jerrica learns from her doctor that there is an experimental laser surgical procedure that could save Ba Nee's vision. However, the cost of the surgery is a staggering $250,000. Having canceled all their tour dates to star in the movie, Aja hits on the idea to divert funds from Starlight Music to cover the cost. But when they arrive there, they find the building closed down and without power. Joanie, the business manager of Starlight Music, tells the group that Eric has drained huge sums of money from Starlight Music to promote the Misfits' movie. Left with no other option, Jem and the Holograms are forced to return to the movie. Eric's demands push the group to their limits once again, especially when Jem nearly falls from a set display suspended several dozen feet in the air. Video records the accident hoping to use it to shut down the movie's production, but Jem pleads with her not to, because of Ba Nee's surgery.

8 S2E3: Starbright (3): Rising Star 30 min | Jul 19, 1986

During a dangerous motorcycle scene for the movie, Kimber is caught in the middle of a series of explosions set off by Roxy and Clash, and is almost killed. Infuriated, Jem and the Holograms quit the production permanently, along with most of the crew who witnessed the accident. Jem rallies the crew to continue the movie, but with a new plot and title: Starbright, while the Misfits' demanding behavior finally causes what remains of the original crew to walk off the set. Meanwhile, a disguised Clash sneaks onto the set of Starbright to spy on the cast and crew, only to be exposed by Georgia, the makeup artist who had recently quit the movie as well. Clash steals the tape of Jem's accident, but Jem and the cast manage to recover it after a lengthy car chase. Starbright proves to be a box office smash, while the Misfits Movie bombs quickly. The Holograms' first share in the box office proceeds go to pay for Ba Nee's surgery, which is a complete success.

9 S2E4: The World Hunger Shindig 30 min | Jul 26, 1986

Jem and the Holograms are invited to perform at a concert benefitting the victims of world hunger. When The Misfits learn of the concert, they try to horn in. Sally Brand, the woman behind the World Hunger Shindig tells them they can perform, but can't be on the live album unless another group backs out. Eric Raymond schemes to keep the Holograms away from the concert and to make a tidy sum of money for himself in the process.

10 S2E5: Adventure in China 30 min | Aug 23, 1986

The Holograms are invited to perform a special concert in China. The Misfits tag along and take notice of Jem's reluctance to part with her JemStar earrings while going through customs. They steal the earrings, leading Jerrica and the Holograms in a race against time to recover them in time for the concert.

11 S2E6: Last Resorts 30 min | Aug 30, 1986

Jem and The Holograms take a much needed vacation to a Colorado ski resort owned by Rick Franklin, an old friend of Howard Sands. Mr. Franklin tells the Holograms that his resort is being threatened by another resort owned by Eric Raymond. Eric and the Misfits attempt to sabotage the resort, in order to bankrupt Franklin so that he will sell the resort to Eric. Meanwhile, Rio and Swenson, the handsome ski instructor face off in a contest for Jem's attentions. In order to settle the matter of which resort controls the mountain, The Holograms and The Misfits face off in a ski contest.

12 S2E7: In Stitches 30 min | Sep 06, 1986

Several girl groups from all over the world are invited to take part in a rock fashion contest headed by Italian music promoter, Tony Cassini. Shana is a bit nervous about the competition and The Misfits try to rattle her by chipping away at her confidence. But the last laugh is on them when their own designer drops out of the contest. Unfortunately this prompts them to get Zipper, Eric's hired henchman to steal the costumes Shana's designed for the Holograms.

13 S2E8: The Music Awards (1) 30 min | Sep 13, 1986

The Holograms and The Misfits become so focused on beating each other at the upcoming annual Music Awards that they neglect their duties to the Starlight Girls. Deidre, one of the girls is so hurt by this she runs away. Ba Nee, not wanting Deidre to go alone decides to come with her, and Krissie goes as well to keep an eye on them. Meanwhile, Video introduces the Holograms to Giselle Dvorak (Danse), a talented stage dancer, who has a special request for them. Eric Raymond hires Techrat to cause trouble for the Holograms. The girls run away to the Misfits, who anonymously report that Jerrica is mistreating her Starlight Girls. At Starlight Music, Jem finds out from Lin-Z that the Haven House Benefit is the same night as the Music Awards and that missing the event would hurt her chances to win this prestigious award. She backs out and goes home only to learn about the runaways. The Holograms search everywhere but there is no trace of them. Feeling guilty for ignoring them, Jem decides to perform at the benefit anyway with the hopes that the girls will hear about it and come home.

14 S2E9: The Music Awards (2) 30 min | Sep 20, 1986

As Jerrica and the others continue their search for the girls, The Misfits stage a publicity stunt to garner more attention toward their appearance at the Music Awards. Deidre, Krissy, Ba Nee and their new friend, Danny run afoul of a couple of thugs, who force Danny to steal from a local electronics store for them. They manage to escape and are directed to Haven House, where Danse finds them and brings them to the concert. Techrat tries to disrupt the concert with a jamming device, but Danny catches him in the act. Meanwhile, the Misfits win for Best Musical Group and Pizzazz plans to gloat to Jem about the win, so they drive to the concert, only to find the audience cheering the performance. Pizzazz, silenced by the overwhelming sense of goodwill the concert has created, doesn't notice her award slip out of her hand to the floor, where it smashes into a hundred pieces.

15 S2E10: The Rock Fashion Book 30 min | Sep 27, 1986

The Misfits try to ruin the Holograms's new rock fashion book. When their initial attempts fail, Pizzazz persuades her father to buy the rights to the book, putting the Misfits in charge of the project.

16 S2E11: Broadway Magic 30 min | Oct 04, 1986

Eric incites greed and scandal by offering a $100,000 reward for anyone who can reveal Jem's real identity, while both groups are in New York City auditioning for the lead roles in a Broadway producer's new show.

17 S2E12: In Search of the Stolen Album 30 min | Oct 11, 1986

As Jem and the Holograms prepare to release their debut album, Eric hires Zipper to steal it, so The Misfits can use the material for themselves. Pizzazz sends the Holograms anonymous letters with clues that will supposedly lead them to the stolen album, but lead them into danger instead. When they retrieve the album, they place a tape of French-speaking lessons for Eric Raymond to trick him.

18 S2E13: Hot Time in Hawaii 30 min | Oct 18, 1986

The Misfits and The Holograms compete in the "Battle of the Music Stars", a Battle of the Network Stars type event in Honolulu. Kimber is kidnapped, and the Holograms have to find her in time to compete.

19 S2E14: The Princess and the Singer 30 min | Nov 01, 1986

Loosely based on the Mark Twain story The Prince and the Pauper, while touring the small European country of Morvania, Kimber meets Princess Adriana, the teenage heir to the throne who happens to look exactly like her. When Adriana escapes from her room, her power-hungry cousin Lexa hires her henchmen to track her down and bring her back. When Kimber and Adriana bump into each other, Lexa's henchmen discover Kimber (Who they think is Adriana) then kidnap her and lock her in a tower where she escapes. Lexa discovers that the real Adriana is with the Holograms so she uses the Misfits to lure Kimber to the hotel where the Holograms are staying and plant a bomb on the stage (to kill Adriana) and take over the throne. The Misfits gatecrash the party and save the Holograms from the bomb on the stage. The Holograms then rescue Kimber, Lexa is placed under arrest for conspiracy, and Adriana claims the title of crowned queen at last.

20 S2E15: Island of Deception 30 min | Nov 08, 1986

Jem and The Holograms are invited to perform at a concert in St. Thomas and travel aboard a luxury ocean liner to get there. Eric and the Misfits, who are convinced there's a publicity stunt going on, tag along to cash in on it. Later that evening, after giving a performance for the passengers and crew of the ship, Jem and the Holograms are tricked by the Misfits into hiding aboard a lifeboat under the misconception of giving the ship's captain a surprise for his birthday. But when the prank goes wrong, it maroons the Holograms and the Misfits on a tropical island. The girls, despite their rivalry must try to survive and get help from a hermit living on the island.

21 S2E16: Old Meets New 30 min | Nov 15, 1986

When Jem & The Holograms perform a song called 'Rock and Roll is Forever,' they infuriate an old singer named Bobby Bailey. However, Bobby turns out to be a man with a big heart but also a big problem. His flat is scheduled for demolition and Eric Raymond is behind it. Will Jem & The Holograms manage to help Bobby or will the wrecking ball win the day?

22 S2E17: Intrigue at the Indy 500 30 min | Feb 01, 1987

Starlight Music sponsors Indy 500 driver Martino Granzetti. When a crash lands Martino (and Rio) in the hospital, Jem & the Holograms manage to rebuild the car and Jem decides to race the car for the tournament. However, things turn nasty when Pizzazz enters the race and causes chaos on the track.

23 S2E18: The Jem Jam (1) 30 min | Feb 08, 1987

The Misfits plot to ruin The Jem Jam, a benefit concert Jem is planning, by tricking Luna Dark (a Cyndi Lauper-esque singer) into coming with them, while Krissy must deal with Lena Lerner's (a Tina Turner-like pop star) spoiled brat son, Dominic (who resembles a young Michael Jackson), and Ba Nee is sure that Randy James, a red-haired drummer for a Springsteen-like rock star, is her father.

24 S2E19: The Jem Jam (2) 30 min | Feb 15, 1987

Jem saves Luna Dark from Pizzazz's guard dogs, and the Misfits plot to ruin the Jem Jam, with help from Techrat. Meanwhile, Ba Nee goes to great lengths to prove that Randy is her father. Also, Krissy finds out that there's more to Dominic than she thought.

25 S2E20: Culture Clash 30 min | Feb 22, 1987

An eccentric artist, Fitzgerald Beck, is the art director for Jem and the Holograms' new video. Beck's art dealer is using his sculptures to smuggle stolen diamonds. The Misfits find this out and set up the sculptures to explode onstage while Jem and the Holograms are filming the video, leading the police to believe it was Jem and the Holograms and Beck who put the diamonds there. Jem and the Holograms must team up with Beck to find the actual culprit before the cops catch them.

26 S2E21: Glitter and Gold 30 min | Mar 15, 1987

Jem hasn't been heard from in some time and Jerrica doesn't seem to care. The Misfits waste no time capitalizing on her absence, especially when Owen Beech, the owner of Diskovery Records promotes a contest, awarding a Gold Album award and a new car, the Glitter and Gold Roadster to the winner. After an argument with Rio, the Holograms try to persuade Jerrica to make a new album to compete with the Misfits. Jerrica is somewhat resistant to the idea, feeling it may be too late to enter the contest, but when she overhears Eric making a comment that she ruined Jem's career, it galvanizes her to enter, and promises Owen Beech she and the Holograms will deliver a new album in time for the contest. The group decides to use the prizes for the contest as the theme for their new album and look called Glitter and Gold.

27 S3E1: The Talent Search (1) 30 min | Sep 21, 1987

Problems affect Jem & The Holograms when Shana leaves to pursue a fashion career. The Holograms decide to host a Talent Search to find a new drummer. News of this spreads like fire which also catches the attention of The Misfits. The Misfits decide to upstage the Talent Search by adding a new Misfit: a hot-tempered saxophone player from England named Jetta. After so many disastrous auditions, the Holograms choose two finalists: A shy, but talented young woman named Carmen Alonzo (nicknamed Raya by her father) and a keen drummer named Craig Phillips. Soon, Raya accidentally discovers Jem's real identity and Eric Raymond attempts to bribe Raya into revealing Jem's identity.

28 S3E2: The Talent Search (2) 30 min | Sep 22, 1987

The Misfits discover that the other semi-finalist Craig is Stormer's brother. Eric then decides to use Craig to find out Jem's real identity. When he decides to stand up to Eric, Jetta swipes money from Eric's wallet which she uses to hire a gang to destroy Raya's fathers nursery so that Raya will go to Eric to get the money where she will reveal Jem's identity. The plan backfires when Raya spots Jetta wearing one of her father's orchids in her hair. Raya lashes out at Jetta, Eric and the Misfits and vows never to reveal Jem's secret to the likes of them. Craig turns up a moment later, threatening Eric to pay restitution to the Alonzo Family for destroying their nursery, and also the Misfits for them threatening to throw Stormer out of the group. After the Talent Search, the winner is announced and Shana returns to the Holograms.

29 S3E3: Scandal 30 min | Sep 23, 1987

The Holograms, the Misfits, and Shawn Harrison (the British teen idol Kimber met in The World Hunger Shindig, and has asked her to write a song for him to perform) are all in Venice Beach. The Holograms are supposed to go on Harriet Horne's show, which is a famous celebrity gossip show. While the Holograms think they are not much to gossip about, Jetta steals Kimber's diary and publishes it. Tabloids twist the story, saying Kimber is in love with Shawn and he has no feelings for her. Kimber must be strong and stand up to the scandal to come out of it on top.

30 S3E4: One Jem Too Many 30 min | Sep 24, 1987

Jerrica, stressed-out from dealing with tax forms and problems with the Starlight record company and home for girls, gets into trouble with a nasty tempered Jem impersonator, who turns out to be Clash disguised in one of The Misfits' plots to ruin Jem.

31 S3E5: The Bands Break Up 30 min | Sep 28, 1987

Upset with the way their bands treat them, Kimber and Stormer quit and join forces. They are extremely popular and try to release an album, but they soon realize Eric Raymond is using them to get back his half of Starlight Music.

32 S3E6: The Fan 30 min | Sep 29, 1987

Jem is kidnapped by a rich fan with help of The Misfits and taken to a copy of Starlight Mansion with actors playing her friends in an attempt to find out her real identity.

33 S3E7: Fathers' Day 30 min | Oct 01, 1987

It's Fathers' Day! Kimber has a bad time, trying to remembering her late father, but learns to cope after having a talk with Pizzazz's father as he has his own problems with his daughter. Also, The Holograms and Misfits visit Clash and Video's hometown for a Father's day banquet.

34 S3E8: The Treasure Hunt 30 min | Oct 05, 1987

The Starlight Girls compete with Misfits-in-Training in a treasure hunt for literacy. In the end, they learn that knowledge is the greatest prize of all.

35 S3E9: Aztec Enchantment 30 min | Oct 07, 1987

The Misfits join up with Clash, who was just given a video camera by her father, and hit Mexico to ruin Jem and the Holograms' new music video directed by Video at the ruins of an ancient Aztec temple. Also the Holograms befriend a poor young boy who wants to go to the United States.

36 S3E10: Music Is Magic 30 min | Oct 14, 1987

Jem & the Holograms are set to appear on a Music & Magic TV Special. However, matters are made worse when they discover that their rivals The Misfits are also guests on the show but the real trouble starts when they all keep disappearing one by one but who's behind it?

37 S3E11: The Jazz Player 30 min | Oct 15, 1987

Jem tries to reunite the Tapps Tucket Quartet, an old jazz group. Meanwhile, Eric Raymond is trying to put out a compilation album of jazz songs. Eric and the Misfits do everything in their power to stop the Tapps Tucket Quartet from getting back together so Eric's jazz album can be released.

38 S3E12: Danse Time 30 min | Oct 19, 1987

The Holograms want to submit a video with the theme of friendship for a competition. But in the process, Danse is injured. Will she heal in time for them to make the perfect video?

39 S3E13: Roxy Rumbles 30 min | Oct 23, 1987

Roxy wins the lottery and goes home to Philadelphia to show off her new lavish lifestyle to her old friends. Meanwhile, Jem and the Holograms are in Philadelphia on a tour to promote literacy. What no one knows is Roxy is illiterate. Roxy decides to throw a bigger party than the Holograms and ends up without any money left because she didn't read the fine print on her contracts. In the end, she decides to learn how to read thanks to a book BaNee gives her.

40 S3E14: Alone Again 30 min | Oct 20, 1987

Laura Holloway, a new Starlight Girl with a talent for music, falls victim to Bobby Braddock, a drug dealer at her school. Ashley plays an important role again, this time helping to confront Laura and eventually help the police catch Bobby.

41 S3E15: KJEM 30 min | Oct 29, 1987

A group of college students (including a high school friend of Kimber's) ask Jem to help a struggling radio station that they intern at, that a larger rival station wants to buy out and get rid of.

42 S3E16: Trick or Techrat 30 min | Oct 30, 1987

The Holograms plan to save an old opera house from being torn down. As they restore it for a special Halloween concert, the Holograms encounter spooks and ghosts.

43 S3E17: The Presidential Dilemma 30 min | Nov 02, 1987

A marauding thief is taking all of the American national treasures. Meanwhile, Synergy is apprehended by the government. It is up to Jerrica to save her and stop the marauder.

44 S3E18: Rock 'n' Roll Express 30 min | Nov 03, 1987

Double trouble on the trains--a thief and the Misfits--affect Jem on a cross-country train trip.

45 S3E19: Mardi Gras 30 min | Nov 04, 1987

The Holograms are invited to wear the pirate Jean Lafitte's jewels for the Mardi Gras celebration. But could Lafitte's ghost be after them?

46 S3E20: The Middle of Nowhere 30 min | Nov 05, 1987

Jem and the Holograms visit Ba Nee's pen pal in Alaska. It is up to them to stop the Misfits and Eric Raymond from ruining Alaska and destroying a natural seal habitat.

47 S3E21: Renaissance Woman 30 min | Nov 16, 1987

The Holgrams and their friends attend a Renaissance fair at a castle in England. The false lord-to-be who owns castle and a Robin Hood-like outlaw trying to oust him both fall in love with Danse.

48 S3E22: Journey to Shangri-La 30 min | Nov 24, 1987

The Holograms hear the story of Shangri-La, a magical city that no one can find and contains magical music. They decide to go in search of the city in order to learn the music and add it to their act. Naturally, the Misfits follow them to find out what they are up to. When Pizzazz and Roxy are poisoned by thorns in the snowy mountains, the others learn that only the magic music of Shangri-La can heal them. An old woman shows the Holograms how to reach the city, and the girls learn the music in time to heal Pizzazz and Roxy. The Misfits try to go to Shangri-La themselves, but the city vanishes.

49 S3E23: Journey Through Time 30 min | Jan 06, 1988

Jem and The Holograms are transported through time by one of Techrat's devices so the Misfits can headline the World History of Music Concert. Along the way, Jem and The Holograms meet Wolfgang Motzart, The Ben Tiller Orchestra, and Johnny Beldricks.

50 S3E24: Britrock 30 min | Feb 22, 1988

The Misfits go to England to meet Jetta's supposedly aristocratic family. Jetta's lower-class parents strike up a deal with a Lord of England which ends badly. Meanwhile, the Holograms come to play a show in London and meet an old friend.

51 S3E25: Out of the Past 30 min | Jan 08, 1988

While cleaning out the attic, Jerrica and the Holograms find Emmett Benton's journal. Jerrica begins to read it out loud - as she does, we see flashback of the Benton family when Jerrica was 11, Kimber was 8 or 9, and both their parents were still alive. The journal chronicles many important events in the Bentons' lives: Rio moving in next door, Aja and Shana coming to live with the family as foster girls, the beginning of Starlight Music, Jacqui's death in a plane crash, Jerrica and Rio's relationship, the hiring of Eric Raymond, and the creation of Synergy. Reading the journal, the girls learn that Jerrica and Kimber's father made recordings of one of Jacqui's live performances. They decide to find the tapes so they can release a tribute album to her. In the meantime, they give a sneak preview of the album on Lin-Z's show by performing one of Jacqui's songs from her old sheet music. Eric sees the performance and manages to find the master tapes among the boxes he confiscated fro

52 S3E26: Hollywood Jem (1): For Your Consideration 30 min | Jan 11, 1988
53 S3E27: Hollywood Jem (2): and the Winner Is... 30 min | Jan 12, 1988
54 S3E28: The Stingers Hit Town (1) 30 min | Feb 02, 1988

Eric is fed up with the Misfits' antics and vows to control them once and for all. He sells everything he owns and buys Misfits Music from Harvey Gabor, telling the Misfits to shape up or be replaced. Meanwhile, Jerrica wants to find another band to take the pressure off of Jem and the Holograms, who provide most of Starlight Music's income. Eric, Jerrica, and Kimber go to Le Club Cool to check out a new German band called the Stingers. The band - Riot on lead vocals, Rapture on guitar, and Minx on synth - are a sensation and cause a riot among the fans (including Kimber). Riot basks in the glow of this before calming the crowd just by asking them to sit down. Jerrica and Eric are impressed and each offer the Stingers a contract. Riot promises to carefully consider both proposals even though he's taking up Eric's offer to stay at ""his"" mansion. Pizzazz is furious that Eric has offered her home for another band. She's ready to kick the Stingers out and humiliate Eric - until she

55 S3E29: The Stingers Hit Town (2) 30 min | Feb 03, 1988

Jem is very confused and insists they go home, but Riot wants to see her again and she can't say no to him. She returns to Starlight Mansion to find the Holograms (particularly Aja) concerned about her behavior around Riot. Rio is jealous when Jem tells him how Riot likes her mysterious identity and the two have a fight. It's cut short by the arrival of the Stingers, who are taking Jerrica up on her offer to stay at Starlight Mansion. Pizzazz, who allowed Minx and Rapture to make a fool out of her so that she could win Riot back from Jem, is crushed to discover in the morning the Stingers have left. The other Misfits vote that Pizzazz must start acting normal again or be kicked out of the group. Pizzazz is too intent on getting Riot back to care and promises to help Eric win the Stingers over to his company. The Stingers aren't acting very nicely over at Starlight Mansion - they are rude to the Starlight Girls, push Aja, Shana, and Raya into the pool, and virtually ignore Jerrica.

56 S3E30: Video Wars 30 min | Feb 26, 1988

Clash pretends to be a film student and gets Jem and the Holograms to let her film a documentary about them so she can convince Pizzaz she's good enough to be a Misfit.

57 S3E31: Beauty and the Rock Promoter 30 min | Feb 04, 1988

Red Johnny Mac gets Jem and the Holograms to star in a rock version of ""Beauty and The Beast"". Jem becomes obessesed with the beast and her role and is so exausted that she is put on bed rest. The Misfits have to now take over for them.

58 S3E32: Homeland, Heartland 30 min | Feb 05, 1988

Jem and the Holograms travel to Zagreb, Yugoslavia to shoot a music video and help Danse search for her mother. They visit the Zagreb Ballet where her mother was a ballerina and find a conrolling director, Victor Krosach, whose obsession with Nadia may keep Danse from leaving the country.

59 S3E33: Midsummer Night's Madness 30 min | Feb 08, 1988

Jem and the Holograms and the Stingers go to Greece to play in a music festival. Jerrica and Rio have a fight, and thanks to advice from an Oracle, she creates a new identity. When Rio falls for her new identity, she thinks it means he was never truly loyal to Jerrica in the first place. Meanwhile, Riot tries to make Rio jealous by flirting with Jerrica.

60 S3E34: The Day the Music Died 30 min | Feb 24, 1988

After Jem disappears with Riot to Mexico all hell breaks loose when Pizzazz and the other Misfits take over Starlight Music and Starlight Foundation. The Holograms and the remaining members of The Stingers, Rapture & Minx, join the Misfits to make a mega-group. Rio, the Holograms and the Stingers decide to try and track down their friends, who by now, after a boating accident, are stuck on a deserted island. They are found and go back to the states. When Jerrica returns, Pizzazz (who is at her wits end - the Starlight girls have totally run riot) hands over Starlight Music and Starlight House back to her. Alls right with the world after this and everything goes back to normal.

61 S3E35: That Old Houdini Magic 30 min | Feb 17, 1988

In order to get the Stingers onto the bill of a certain concert, Rapture cons the superstitious arranger into thinking she is possessed by the spirit of famous magician Houdini.

62 S3E36: Straight from the Heart 30 min | Feb 15, 1988

A new fashion designer, Regine Cesare comes to town and decides whether her loyalties lie with the Holograms or the Stingers.

63 S3E37: A Change of Heart 30 min | Feb 18, 1988

Minx decides to step up her pursuit of Rio by helping him design a synthesizer. While he's grateful for the help, he makes it clear he's not interested and the two separate in a huff. This changes when Minx gets caught in a dangerous current at the beach and Rio dives in to save her. Minx is so grateful that she vows she's going to change her ways. She becomes nice yet insecure, offering her help to Rio, the Holograms, and the Starlight Girls after Riot and Rapture kick her out for acting strangely. But her efforts to help only disrupt everyone's lives and they are forced to tell her to back off. Minx becomes so offended that she reverts to her old self - she throws the synth she built for Rio out the window, shoots everyone with a squirt gun, and rejoins the Stingers. Rio and the Holograms hope that at least part of this experience will stick with Minx, but based on her attitude at the Stingers' next concert it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

64 S3E38: Riot's Hope 30 min | Feb 11, 1988

Riot and his father don't get along. Can they put their differences aside when Riot's mother gets sick suddenly?

65 S3E39: A Father Should Be... 30 min | May 02, 1988

Ba Nee's depression over missing her father is growing steadily worse. Using Riot's army contacts, Jerrica and the others track down the three men who could potentially be her father. One man, an amnesiac sees this investigation as a chance to learn more about his past. A gambler sees this as a ready opportunity to make some cash off of these famous celebrities.