Acupoint and Trigger Point Therapy for Babies and Children: A Parent's Healing Touch
L.Ac. L.M.T.Donna Finando

Issue #0

Acupoint and Trigger Point Therapy for Babies and Children: A Parent's Healing Touch

Healing Arts Press (Dec 26, 2007)
| Paperback
240 pages | 214 x 280 mm
Dewey 615.892083
LC Classification RJ53.A27 .F56 2008
LC Control No. 2007041357


  • Pediatrics


Techniques that allow parents to be active agents in providing relief and healing when illness occurs in their children • Reveals the importance of touch in both childhood development and healing • Details acupoint and trigger point therapy techniques for most common childhood ailments, including asthma • Identifies when to seek professional help vs. situations that can be handled at home Touch is critical to the development of babies and children. It establishes both their sense of self and their connectedness to the rest of the world. Donna Finando shows that touch is also key to restoring health when illness occurs. As a mother and grandmother, she has experienced the frustration and helplessness of watching a sick child suffer. As an acupuncturist and massage practitioner, she has found there are many simple ways parents can provide relief and even healing for many common ailments that afflict children by using touch therapy.Trigger point therapy releases restricted muscles while acupressure allows energy to flow freely, activating the body’s remarkable healing abilities. Colds, sore throats, ear infections, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, and even asthma are some of the common conditions that can be relieved by touch therapy. Finando presents an in-depth explanation of each condition, providing information on causative factors, dietary and behavior recommendations, point techniques that can offer relief, and when to seek medical help. The gentle techniques that form this healing practice also extend to other parent-child interactions, offering a comprehensive model for the care and nurturing of children.


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Added Date Mar 19, 2012 19:58:08
Modified Date Oct 04, 2013 20:20:22