Berlin Station: Season 1

Berlin Station

Berlin Station: Season 1

Berlini küldetés 1. évad

Anonymous Content (2016)
TV Series | Drama | thriller
Germany | magyar | Color | 8h 55min
Nincs besorolva
1 disc

A tízrészes sorozat feszültséggel teli kémdráma, melynek forgatókönyvét többek között Larry J. Cohen (Borgiák) jegyzi. A történet Daniel Miller (Richard Armitage) körül bonyolódik, aki titkos küldetéssel érkezik Berlinbe, a CIA egyik németországi állomására. Ki kell derítenie, ki az, aki Thomas Shaw név alatt információkat szivárogtat ki a cégtől. A veterán Hector DeJean segítségével alámerül a kémek világába. Hamarosan összeesküvés nyomára bukkan, melynek szálai Washingtonba vezetnek.

Episodes View details

1 Station to Station 53 min | Oct 16, 2016

Daniel Miller arrives at the CIA station in Berlin, Germany. His mission is to uncover a mole. Suspect Everyone, Trust no one.

2 Lights Don't Run on Loyalty 53 min | Oct 23, 2016

As Daniel pursues Shaw, Station Chief Steven Frost and his associates Valerie Edwards and Robert Kirsch gather intelligence on a Georgian Islamic radical in order to avoid an extraordinary rendition by Langley. By episode's end, Hector surprises us all.

3 Riverrun Dry 54 min | Oct 30, 2016

Frost and Robert worry that their incriminating secrets will be unearthed when Langley investigators sweep Berlin Station to ferret out fodder for future Shaw leaks. Meanwhile, Daniel's Shaw hunt becomes compromised when Hector bugs his phone, and the station's surveillance of Aleksandre Iosava turns up bad behavior by one of Valerie's agents.

4 By Way of Deception 57 min | Nov 06, 2016

Daniel embarks on a dangerous operation that brings up difficult memories of his first posting in Chechnya and the beginning of his friendship with Hector. Steven Frost finds a way to position himself for promotion at the cost of his deputy Robert. Valerie makes a discovery in her investigation into the Georgian radical Aleksandre Iosava.

5 Unter Druck 52 min | Nov 13, 2016

Both American and German interests align when the Station learns the subject of Shaw's next leak: Chinese defector Houjin Lin. Daniel is teamed with Esther Krug to secret Lin out of the country before the leak breaks, pre-emptively countering Shaw's attack. Hector gets a late-night visit from Julian De Vos, a.k.a Shirley Pimple,

6 Just Decisions 52 min | Nov 20, 2016

Valerie's investigation into Aleksandre and Ruth Iosava comes to a head in a German/American sting Operation involving Clare Itani, a CIA Officer and Hector's lover. Langley's unannounced participation moves things from bad to worse.

7 Proof of Life 49 min | Nov 27, 2016

On the air on November 27, 2016: In the wake of the botched Iosava Op and Clare Itani's kidnapping, Frost pursues traditional negotiation channels to secure Clare's release. Hector goes rogue, bringing Daniel with him--unknowingly paving the way for Daniel's moment of clarity.

8 False Negative 50 min | Dec 04, 2016

The CIA tries to cover its tracks after mission with Claire.

9 Thomas Shaw 59 min | Dec 11, 2016

The plot heats up with the exposure of the Station chief, with the various players jostling for position in the ensuing mess , with flashbacks of Hector and Julian's past as the story is filled out neatly ready for an interesting finale.

10 Oratorio Berlin 53 min | Dec 18, 2016

Berlin Station's staff pieces together evidence illuminating Langley¹s role in Iosava's rendition. The truth comes into focus, and the Shaw mantle is passed. Richard Armitage, Richard Jenkins, Michelle Forbes, Rhys Ifans, Leland Orser.


Location HDD 33
Quantity 1
Added Date Dec 05, 2017 19:28:14
Modified Date Feb 18, 2023 16:17:14