La repetition

La repetition


Strand Releasing (2000)
Adult | Drama | Foreign | Romance
France | Angol | Color | 1h 36min
DVD Files
Nincs besorolva
| 1 disc
Region 1
Keep Case

Nathalie and Louise are friends from childhood. While studying drama at University Louise becomes hopelessly obsessed with her friend. Jealous of the male friends she has she breaks up the friendship, followed by a suicide attempt. Later, Louise marries, but finds time to see the, by now quite accomplished actress, Nathalie. They fight through the years, La Repetition following them as their friendship comes together and breaks up frequently, while never actually reaching anything that can be called a climax.

Cast View all

Emmanuelle Béart Nathalie
Pascale Bussieres Louise
Dani Levy Matthias
Jean-Pierre Kalfon Walter Amar
Sami Bouajila Nicolas
Marilú Marini Mathilde
Clément Hervieu-Léger Sacha
Marc Ponette Alain
Raphaël Neal Patrick
Sébastien Gorteau Jean-Philippe
Vincent Macaigne Henri
Jeanne David Colette
Daniel Isoppo Maurice
Marie-Charlotte Dutot Louise (11 ans)
Marie Loboda Nathalie 11 ans
Martine Lapertot Pauline
David Kammenos Thierry
Philippe Crubezy Jack l'éventreur
Nathalie Lacroix La comtesse
Nirupama Nityanandan Médecin
Pierre-Loup Rajot Conseiller ambassade
Henrik Trenskow Conseiller Culturel
Anne Schaufuss Costumière danoise
Frédéric Gilles Comédien Mathias
Greg Bkk Spectateur Opéra d'Avignon


Location wanted
Quantity 1
Added Date Nov 11, 2016 21:03:46
Modified Date Aug 27, 2023 14:52:21

Edition details

Screen Ratios Fullscreen (4:3, Letterboxed)
Widescreen (1.85:1)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital Stereo [English]
SUB [English]
Stereo [English]
Subtitles magyar
Distributor Strand
Edition Release Date May 06, 2003