Unlocked: A Jail Experiment: Season 1

Unlocked: A Jail Experiment

Unlocked: A Jail Experiment: Season 1

Nyitott ajtók: Börtönkísérlet

Netflix (2024)
TV Series | Documentary
USA | magyar | Color
1 disc

Egy arkansasi büntetés-végrehajtási intézetben egy seriff radikális társadalmi kísérletet hajt végre, hogy a bebörtönzött férfiaknak nagyobb mozgásteret biztosítson ebben a valóságshow-sorozatban.

Episodes View details

1 Shanks and Shakedowns | Apr 10, 2024

At an Arkansas jail, a sheriff prepares to roll out a radical new program granting inmates more freedoms - but the threat of danger lingers.

2 Day 1 | Apr 10, 2024

With cell doors open and guards gone, a detainee tries to create structure as a power struggle between the young inmates and the older generation ensues.

3 The Ogs Take Control | Apr 10, 2024

The first day of the experiment ends, and the pod establishes a routine. Some inmates face threats while others exploit their newly granted freedoms.

4 Pod Daddy | Apr 10, 2024

A new privilege introduces more problems. One man facing a life sentence receives words of encouragement, and a self-appointed leader causes strife.

5 Fire & Hooch | Apr 10, 2024

With the program at the halfway point, the older inmates step back as the younger ones continue to push boundaries. An alarm sends deputies into the pod.

6 The Vote | Apr 10, 2024

The program's future is thrown into jeopardy after news of an incident reaches the sheriff, who tries to single out the troublemakers.

7 New Blood | Apr 10, 2024

As the sheriff institutes a new perk, the inmates hope to connect with their loved ones more. The pod faces its final challenge: new arrivals.

8 Decision Day | Apr 10, 2024

The unit is on high alert after tensions erupt. As the experiment ends, the inmates make a case to keep their freedoms. The sheriff weighs his options.


Location HDD 65
Purchased Apr 14, 2024
Quantity 1
Added Date Apr 14, 2024 06:26:16
Modified Date Apr 14, 2024 11:14:51

Edition details

Subtitles Angol | Francia | magyar | Német | Román | Ukrán