The Bank: Season 1

The Bank

The Bank: Season 1

A bank 1. évad

Itamambuca (2018)
TV Series | Drama
Estonia | magyar | Color
Nincs besorolva
1 disc

A rendszerváltás utáni időszak zűrzavarába röpít vissza a tízrészes észt tévéfilmsorozat, amely egy feltörekvő banki vállalkozás kirobbanó sikerének, drámai küzdelmeinek és lassú hanyatlásának történetén keresztül mutatja be a kelet-európai sors fonákságait, amelyek borzongatóan, ugyanakkor mulattatóan ismerősek lehetnek a régiónkban mindenhol.
A szovjet birodalom megszűnésével Észtország hirtelen a világ figyelmének középpontjában találja magát. A kirobbanó gazdasági növekedés hullámára az elsők közt száll fel a Nordpank nevű pénzintézet, élén egy rendhagyó elmékből álló csapattal, akikkel szemben a régi, nehézkes bankoknak semmi esélyük tartani a tempót. A Nordpank vezetésének kulcsfigurái az Ülje és Kalju Tamm házaspár, akik egy benzinkút boltjában fedezik fel Toomast, a matamatikazsenit. Toomas, aki addig csak az orosz huligánokkal folytatott utcai verekedésekben bontakozott ki cimboráival, csakhamar bankjuk kereskedelmi termének élére kerül. A hirtelen fellendülés után persze a válság sem várat sokat magára, és hamarosan feltűnnek a színen a tőkeerős, angol és svéd pénzügyi játékosok. Vajon egy észt banknak ebben az erőtérben mennyi esélye van megőrizni függetlenségét?

A kilencvenes évek szabadságmámorától a 2008-as pénzügyi válság traumájáig ível a sorozat cselekménye, amelynek lebilincselő érzelmi hullámvasútra ragadja el a nézőt, miközben látványvilága is sziporkázóan ötletes.


Liis Lindmaa Pille
Rosenberg Marek Trader
Erki Laur Viktor Zimmermann
Madis Sumanov Fighter
Helen Klasman Maid

Crew View all

Producer Pekka Puolakka

Episodes View details

1 Episode #1.1 | Oct 18, 2018

Portrays the events in one bank, whose actions significantly affect the welfare of all the citizens of the nation. In the beginning of the 1990s, the bank is joined by Toomas who sets out to make a mind-blowing career. Along with the bank managers Ülle and Kalju they strive forwards through the financial crisis with a bigger goal in their eyes. Inevitably conflicts with competitors arise, stressful work challenges relations and everybody has to face important decisions.

2 Episode #1.2 | Oct 25, 2018

The insane growth of Nordpank also brings some problems. Toomas will find it his responsibility to take care of them but the quickly changing banking sector brings an important and unexpected twist for Nordpank. In the background something tragic happens and Toomas' personal life is also struck by an unexpected turn of events.

3 Episode #1.3 | Nov 01, 2018

Nordpank will unexpectedly find itself in the center of a big crisis, which could affect the future of the entire country. Toomas is responsible for solving the crisis but at the same time having to deal with his disintegrating private life. Mati starts reworking Kodupank with his team but not everybody is satisfied with such flow of events.

4 Episode #1.4 | Nov 08, 2018

Both Kodupank and Nordpank are experiencing great success along with the society but success can not last forever. The efforts of the staff to keep both their bank and private relations healthy at the same time are becoming harder and harder. To save what matters, Mati and Kalju put everything they've got on the line. Toomas will have to make a difficult decision.

5 Episode #1.5 | Nov 15, 2018

The others are trying to make profit on Nordpank's difficulties. The tricky situation of Kodupank gets even more complicated and forces Mati and his team to make desperate efforts. The progression of events accelerates dramatically and takes an unexpected direction for everybody.

6 Episode #1.6 | Nov 22, 2018

Toomas is responsible for the takeover of Kodupank and discovers the catastrophic state it's in. Kalju gives him the task of bringing back the shares from Viktor, which leads Toomas to several moral dilemmas. Dealing with the problems of Kodupank act as a distraction for Toomas. When he discovers what has happened to Nordpank in the meantime, it might already be too late.

7 Episode #1.7 | Nov 29, 2018

The Swedish have decided to take over Nordpank. The takeover causes internal tensions in Nordpank. Toomas will have to deal with several issues at once: His goal is saving Nordpank but he is not sure yet what could be done.

8 Episode #1.8 | Dec 06, 2018

Toomas makes a big decision but he is convinced out of it. A new chapter unfolds for Nordpank, which seems successful at first. Mati receives an unexpected offer and ends up accepting it. Toomas' loyalty is put to the ultimate test.

9 Episode #1.9 | Dec 13, 2018

Ülle receives a new offer after leaving Nordpank, which she decides to accept. Kalju attempts to start again and recruit other former Nordpank employees. Toomas and his new superiors end up in a conflict with both Mati and the new political party. This has severe consequences. Toomas will have to make a big decision once again.

10 Episode #1.10 | Dec 20, 2018

Some years have passed by. Toomas is working in Sweden as the world is struck by a big financial crisis. Ülle has become the Minister of Finance and is trying to save the Estonian economy, but she knows that the fate of the banking sector is in the hands of Toomas. Toomas will have to make several difficult decisions.


Location HDD 55
Quantity 1
Added Date Feb 19, 2022 20:05:52
Modified Date Feb 18, 2023 19:11:16