The Tick: Season 1

The Tick (2016)

The Tick: Season 1

A kullancs 1. évad

TV Series | Action | Adventure | Comedy
USA | English | Color | 6h
Nincs besorolva
1 disc

A The Tick (avagy a magyar keresztségben A Kullancs) egy borzasztóan szatirikus képregényhős, aki görbetükröt tart a Marvel és a DC szuperhőseinek. Van benne rengeteg elhivatottság, mint Batmanben, patriotuzmus, mint Amerika Kapitányban, erő, mint Thorban és filantrópia, mint Flashben.

Tick egyvalamiben ergya: csak akkor fedezi fel a veszélyt, ha az arcába sétál, de ez végül is annyira nem nagy para, hiszen ellenfelei, a szupergonoszok sem százasok. Elég csak Chairface Chippendale-re gondolni (neki tényleg egy szék van az arca helyén), aki egy ízben a Holdra akarta felírni a saját nevét, s ez félig sikerült is neki; vagy Dínó Norbertre, aki tényleg dínóvá tud változni, ha akar. Jöhetnek azonban mutáns űrlények, zombi patkányok, Tick minden csávából győztesen kerül ki, hiszen megállíthatatlan, sérthetetlen és lágyszívű. A képregény azonban nem ezért volt remek, hanem azért, mert rengeteg kikacsintás, popkulturális utalás, szuperhős-köntös kifordítás szegélyezte.

Episodes View details

1 The Tick 29 min | Aug 15, 2016

The Tick, a clueless but well-intentioned superhero pursues the ultimate evil enemy, The Terror with the help of his reluctant sidekick.

2 Where's My Mind 26 min | Aug 25, 2017

Tick and Arthur have a run-in with local villainess Miss Lint and her gang, who will stop at nothing to get back the mysterious super-suit that Tick took from them and gave to Arthur. Dot, Arthur's paramedic sister, moonlights for an unsavory business.

3 Secret Identity 27 min | Aug 25, 2017

Arthur takes a break from hunting the Terror and tries to get back to his safe, normal, and unheroic life as an accountant unaware he's being stalked by the menacing vigilante Overkill. Tick confesses to an existential crisis.

4 Party Crashers 27 min | Aug 25, 2017

Tick crashes an Everest family party to convince Arthur's sister Dot of her brother's super-heroic destiny. Another more dangerous party-crasher arrives to threaten Arthur and his family.

5 Fear of Flying 23 min | Aug 25, 2017

Tick and Dot help Arthur try to control his flyaway super-suit as the Pyramid Gang pursues them. Miss Lint has an unexpected caller.

6 Rising 24 min | Aug 25, 2017

Tick and Arthur try to use Ramses to prove that the Terror is alive and run into trouble. Miss Lint takes the advice of an old friend.

7 Tale from the Crypt 25 min | Feb 23, 2018

Arthur has a surprising encounter while in The Terror's lair. The Tick attempts a rescue with Dot and Overkill.

8 After Midnight 27 min | Feb 23, 2018

Arthur, Dot, and Overkill try to get a message to Superian, with the help of a retired hero.

9 My Dinner with Android 27 min | Feb 23, 2018

The Tick and Arthur rush to rescue the endangered Dr. Karamazov. Dot gets some personal information from Overkill.

10 Risky Bismuth 24 min | Feb 23, 2018

The Tick and Arthur harbor an out of commission Superian. Dot gathers more intel on the Pyramid Gang, and Overkill confronts Miss Lint.

11 The Beginning of the End 22 min | Feb 23, 2018

The team races to counteract The Terror's plan for Big Bismuth and the VLM. Miss Lint and Overkill have something resembling a heart to heart.

12 The End of the Beginning (Or the Start of the Dawn of the Age of Superhero) 23 min | Feb 23, 2018

The Tick and Arthur find themselves on a final collision course with The Terror as he attempts to bring his evil plans to fruition.


Location HDD 48
Quantity 1
Added Date Jan 11, 2021 17:12:23
Modified Date Feb 18, 2023 18:30:40

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