The New Pope

The New Pope

The New Pope

Az új pápa (DS) HunDub+EngDub, HunSub+EngSub

Wildside (2019)
TV Series | Drama
Italy | magyar | Color | 1h
Nincs besorolva
1 disc

A Paolo Sorrentino, Umberto Contarello és Stefani Bies forgatókönyve alapján készült sorozat bemutatja a Vatikánnak azt az oldalát, amely a látogatók előtt legtöbbször feltáratlan marad. Vágyódás, bűn, erőtlenség és a hittel kapcsolatos legaktuálisabb kérdések is megjelennek a 9 epizódban. Valamennyi részt Sorrentino rendezte, akinek ez már a második rendezése, mely az egyházi hierarchia megértését próbálja életközelibbé tenni.

Moziverzumban Filmográfiából kapcsolódások:
Paolo Sorrentino:,-paolo.html
Jude Law:,-jude.html
John Malkovich:,-john.html

Episodes View details

1 Episode #1.1 58 min | Jan 13, 2020

With Pope Pius XIII in a coma, Cardinal Voiello makes an unpredictable move during the deadlocked papal conclave.

2 Episode #1.2 50 min | Jan 20, 2020

Voiello, Guiterrez, Assente, Aguirre and Sofia make a trip to the UK to appeal to the alluring but fragile Sir John Brannox.

3 Episode #1.3 58 min | Jan 27, 2020

As Sir John leaves for the Vatican, everything appears to be going to plan. But the secretary of state could never have predicted Cardinal Spalletta's next move.

4 Episode #1.4 50 min | Feb 03, 2020

John Paul III travels to Venice to visit Pius XIII. Meanwhile, a tragedy in Lourdes calls for the presence of the new Pope.

5 Episode #1.5 50 min | Jan 24, 2020

John Paul III meets Sharon Stone, who gives him new ideas. Meanwhile, the connection between the Pope and Sofia deepens.

6 Episode #1.6 52 min | Feb 17, 2020

Priest Leopold Essence tips off Sofia Dubois to her husband's dark secrets which leads her to a shocking discovery. Meanwhile, Pope John Paul III speaks with Cardinal Spalletta about a financial scandal that could crush the Vatican.

7 Episode #1.7 61 min | Feb 24, 2020

Lenny wakes up and seeks to help a wounded family, while a new threat to the Church draws closer.

8 Episode #1.8 61 min | Mar 02, 2020

Having uncovered John Paul III's secrets, Voiello begins his plan to regain power. Meanwhile, Lenny Belardo secretly returns to the Vatican.

9 Episode #1.9 69 min | Mar 09, 2020

Pius XIII and John Paul III are forced to confront one another, as terrorists take a priest and six students hostage in Ventotene.


Owner pcroland
Location HDD 44
Storage Device HDD
Quantity 1
Added Date Mar 02, 2020 06:49:31
Modified Date Feb 18, 2023 17:57:20

Edition details

Subtitles Angol
Extras Letöltési szekció
Distributor Home Box Office (HBO)


A film letöltéséhez másold be az alábbi linket a böngészíődbe:,-hunsub-engdub.php

LÁTVÁNYTERVEZŐ: Ludovica Ferrario, Eugenia F. Di Napoli
JELMEZ, KOSZTÜMTERVEZŐ: Simone La Mantia, Laura Casalini, Tanya Bowd
DÍSZLETTERVEZŐ: Devynne Lauchner


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