Stuart Little

Stuart Little – Collector's Edition

Columbia TriStar (1999)
Adventure | Comedy | Family | Fantasy
USA | English | Color | 01:24
Deluxe Special Edition
PG (Parental Guidance)
| 1 disc
Region 1
Keep Case

The adventures of a heroic and debonair stalwart mouse named Stuart Little with human qualities, who faces some comic misadventures while living with a human family as their child.

Cast View all

Michael J. Fox Stuart Little
Geena Davis Mrs. Little
Hugh Laurie Mr. Little
Jonathan Lipnicki George Little
Nathan Lane Snowbell
Chazz Palminteri Smokey
Steve Zahn Monty
Jim Doughan Lucky
David Alan Grier Red
Bruce Kirby Jr. Mr. Stout
Jennifer Tilly Mrs. Stout
Stan Freberg Race Announcer
Jeffrey Jones Uncle Crenshaw
Connie Ray Aunt Tina
Allyce Beasley Aunt Beatrice
Brian Doyle-Murray Cousin Edgar
Estelle Getty Grandma Estelle
Harold Gould Grandpa Spencer
Patrick Thomas O'Brien Uncle Stretch
Julia Sweeney Mrs. Keeper
Dabney Coleman Dr. Beechwood
Miles Marsico Anton
Jon Polito Officer Sherman
Joe Bays Race Starter
Taylor Negron Salesman


Quantity 1
Added Date Mar 10, 2012 13:58:33
Modified Date Jun 12, 2022 00:33:49

Edition details

Screen Ratios Fullscreen (4:3)
Fullscreen (4:3, Pan and Scan)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1 [English]
Dolby Digital Surround [English]
Subtitles English | English (Closed Captioned)
Layers Single side, Dual layer
Edition Release Date May 21, 2002


Story Synopsis:
The wonderful thing about E.B. White’s books is how easily his creatures and people work and communicate with each other-and how readily we accept the fact. In this story, Mr. and Mrs. Little (Davis & Laurie) set off to the orphanage to adopt a little boy to add to their little family. Who they bring home is a spunky little mouse named Stuart. However, Stuart is not exactly what George (Lipnicki) had in mind for his new little brother. And the family cat Snowbell, well, maybe he likes Stuart a little bit too much! Funny situations abound, and there are a lot of terrific little jokes. If you’ve read the book you’ll find your delightful memories revived, and if you’re new to Stuart Little, you’ll be enchanted for sure. Beside the story, you’ll love the amazing work of John Dykstra, ASC; senior visual effects supervisor and Henry F. Anderson, III; Computer Graphics animation supervisor and their crews who created our new little friend Stuart. He’s stunning! His little mouse feet look and act just like little mouse feet! And that’s just the beginning. Says Stuart Little, “Now I know that fairy tales are real.” True enough, indeed.

DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced DVD exhibits a magical picture with rich, vibrant colors balanced with full saturation. Images are sharp and detailed; even the visual effects are stunning. Stuart Little is intricately detailed in his fur, whiskers and even his tiny hands and nails. Contrast and shadow delineation are excellent, with superb visual information in the darkest scenes. There are no artifacts or pixelization, for a picture that is nearly pristine in all visual aspects. Under close scrutiny, one might say the picture sometimes has a “digital” appearance, but even the visual effects are very natural and the transfer is clean. The anamorphic and letterbox aspect ratio measures 1.85:1.

The Dolby® Digital 5.1-channel soundtrack is a fine production with remarkable fidelity, and will certainly entertain as an essential component of the film’s warm-hearted storytelling. The soundfield is generally balanced toward the screen, with surround activity predominated by the music. The multidimensional sound effects are spread across the screen and sparingly into the surrounds, resulting in a convincing holosonic experience. The music score, composed by Alan Silvestri, is an excellent recording, with an expansive presence generally oriented from the screen and some surround envelopment. Generally, the surrounds are subtle throughout, but the toy boat race in Chapter 16 is a wonderful exception, providing an aggressive, exciting soundfield experience from the music and the crowd. The dialogue production features very well-recorded voices, delivering remarkable clarity, and spatial integration is good, with just occasional ADR characteristics noticed. Low frequencies are predominated by the music and originate from the front channels, with occasional moderate activity in the .1 LFE. Stuart Little delivers an impressively produced soundtrack experience that will surely satisfy with its exemplary fidelity and engaging music score.

This Disc Contains The Following WSR-Rated Superb Qualities:
Reference Quality
Collector Edition
Superb Music Score Recording Quality


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