The Replacement Killers

The Replacement Killers

Columbia TriStar (1998)
Action | Crime | Thriller
USA | English | Color | 01:27
Movie-Only Edition
R (Restricted)
| 1 disc
Region 1
Keep Case

Failing to kill anymore because of his conscience, a troubled hit-man seeks aid from a forger to help him get papers to China. However, the drug-lord has hired replacements to finish the job and kill the hit-man.


Quantity 1
Added Date Mar 10, 2012 13:58:32
Modified Date Jun 12, 2022 00:33:31

Edition details

Screen Ratios Fullscreen (4:3)
Theatrical Widescreen (2.35:1)
Theatrical Widescreen (2.40:1)
Widescreen (16:9)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1
Dolby Digital 5.1 [English]
Dolby Digital Stereo [English]
Dolby Digital Stereo [French]
Dolby Digital Stereo [Spanish]
Subtitles English | English (Closed Captioned) | French | Spanish
Layers Dual side, Single layer
Edition Release Date Jan 25, 2001


Story Synopsis:
The Replacement Killers is a fierce action-thriller starring international boxoffice action hero Chow Yun-Fat as John Lee, a Chinese immigrant to America, who was unable to execute a deadly favor for druglord Terence Wei-and must now brave Wei’s vengeance for his betrayal. With the aid of a document forger (Mira Sorvino), who in helping him becomes a target herself, Lee races against time to outrun and outsmart Wei’s army of “replacement killers,” as well as try to prevent a tragic murder that strikes far too close to home.

DVD Picture:
The picture delivers outstanding imagery on both the Sony HD-sourced LaserDisc and DVD, especially the component anamorphic DVD. Color fidelity is excellent on both versions, with warmly hued colors, natural fleshtones and deep, solid blacks. Shadow detail and contrast are superb, but better delineated on the DVD. Images are incredibly sharp and detailed, with naturally rendered textures on the DVD, due to the added real lines created by the anamorphic process. The LaserDisc, and letterbox and anamorphic DVD aspect ratios are measured at 2.35:1.

The Dolby® Digital discrete 5.1 soundtrack on the DVD and LaserDisc delivers a fantastic spatially dimensional soundfield that the LaserDisc’s matrix PCM, though exemplary, just can’t match. This is evident particularly with respect to aggressive split surround delineation and .1 LFE 25Hz deep bass and power. Dialogue sounds natural throughout, often with excellent spatial integration. The music score is dynamic and quite dimensional, especially in the discrete which is spread wide and deep across the soundstage and wraps into the surrounds. This is truly a soundtrack of reference quality.

This Disc Contains The Following WSR-Rated Superb Qualities:
Superb Sound Effects Recording Quality
Superb Music Score Recording Quality
Superb Color Fidelity
Reference Quality


Main Shelf