

XYZ Films (2018)
Horror | Thriller
UK | English | Color | 02:09
WEBRip Xvid
| 1 disc
Region 1

A man travels to a remote island in search of his missing sister, who was kidnapped by a murderous religious cult.

Cast View all

Dan Stevens Thomas Richardson
Richard Elfyn Charles
Paul Higgins Frank
Bill Milner Jeremy
Catrin Aaron Elaine
John Weldon Lonely Passenger
Ross O'Hennessy Suspicious Passenger
Gareth Pierce Man #1
Rhys Meredith Man #2
John Norton Man #3
Ioan Hefin Bell Ringer
Rhian Morgan Inn Keeper
Kristine Froseth Ffion
Mark Lewis Jones Quinn
Owain Gwynn Townsman
Lucy Boynton Andrea
Michael Sheen Malcolm Howe
Sharon Morgan Her
Sebastian McCheyne The Grinder
Gareth John Bale Bar Keeper
Elen Rhys Jennifer
Spencer Booth Townsmen Guard
Toby Brierley Townsmen Guard
Alekss Dudins Townsmen Guard
Michael Gleeson Townsmen Guard


Owner Review?
Location Horror Disk 1
Purchased Oct 13, 2018 at YTS
Quantity 1
Seen Oct 18, 2018 at home
Added Date Oct 14, 2018 04:07:38
Modified Date Oct 19, 2018 21:38:15


My quick rating - 7,2/10. Ahhh, religion. The driving force from the vast majority of horror films, and, let's face it the real life culprit for more deaths in human history then anything else. This flick looks great to start with. A great deal of attention was paid to creating the time in which this movie takes place (early 1900s). Along with great locale there is also a great use of camera work to really showcase the island that our story takes place. A former preacher travels to this island to rescue his kidnapped sister. Not sure what he is getting into, he arrives to find the island is nothing more than a ravenous (remember that word for an upcoming movie) cult which also may hold even more secrets to what is going on. The movie is somewhat slow and methodical in letting all the layers of the film unfold but it doesn't seem to drag as the story is so well crafted. The acting gives the characters a bit of unique perspective to who each seems to believe, be it the "savior" or the power hungry "bad guy." Even the seemingly unbalanced hero shows the signs of what his beliefs have led him to become. The obvious theme of this movie is the sheer evil that faith will lead people to believe in and the extent to which they will go for it. All religions seem to rely on this blind faith and over the years, cults have preyed on people in this manner. Even without the supernatural aspects, this occurs and is just magnified later on in the flick. A top notch Netflix offering for sure and fits well into #shocktober . This movie even has a scene that would've given our hero @nicole alonso a bit of a scare ;) Definitely worth watching especially if you are a subscriber.


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