

Comedy | Drama
USA | English | Color | 01:25
Blu-ray Xvid
| 1 disc
Region 1

Set in the midst of the 2009 housing crisis, this darkly comedic story follows Cassie Fowler, a single mom and struggling realtor whose life goes off the rails when she witnesses a murder.


Owner Jackmeats Flix
Location Comedy Partition 1
Purchased Aug 24, 2018 at YTS
Quantity 1
Seen Aug 23, 2020 at home w/bec
Added Date Aug 26, 2018 05:25:29
Modified Date Feb 08, 2023 13:11:55


My quick rating - 5,5/10. Nice dark comedy that I really wish they would've even gone further with what they had going. Writing wise, it suckers you in real quick to "did he just do that" to how far is this going to go" and that is where I wanted it to go farther. Still the humor is nice and twisted. Characters are played out great especially Danny McBride who does a really good job as the nut case in this one. I am sure anyone who has been taken advantage of on a sale promising you this or that, regardless of it being real estate, can relate to being absolutely pissed when you find out you were taken. Well, these people have a gripe and one of them really acts on it. The back and forth that continues behind the gate of this community at times keeps you on the edge of your seat but I found that lll of it led to a really disappointing end. Still the journey to get to it is aromp especially if you like dark humor since this one pushes the envelope. Definitely a pleasant surprise that is worth checking out at least once.
Streaming on Tubi and Roku if subscribing or Redbox is your cheapest rental


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