

Forbidden Films (II) (2015)
USA | English | Color | 01:25
1 disc
Region 1

In this "lost slasher film from 1978," a masked killer wages an unrelenting spree of murder, cannibalism, and necrophilia. But when his tortured past comes back to haunt him, he plunges to even greater depths of madness and depravity, consuming the lives of a young woman and those she holds dear.

Cast View all

Shane Beasley The Killer
Kelsey Carlisle Jess Hardy
Ellie Church Betsy Coard
Dave Parker Pete Christy
Kaden Miller Skull Boy
Jennifer Lee The Hitchhiker
Haley Madison The Punk Chick
Brian K. Williams Slick Vic
Matt Keeley The Killer (Teenager)
Emily Solt McGee Mother
Jessica Schroeder Sister (Teenager)
Olivia Arnold Sister (Child)
Nathan Erdel Eddie 'Maggot' Curr
Ben Monticue John 'Roach' Triton
Magician Johnson Sammi 'Spider' Farell
Angela Denton Warehouse Victim #1
Brigid Macaulay Warehouse Victim #2
Bob Conley Roller Rink Announcer
Nicholas Arnholt-Stark Body Pit and Dream Extra
Brandon Bennett Body Pit and Roller Rink Extra
Brian Beckley Roller Rink Extra
Dakota Beckley Roller Rink Extra
Casey Blair Roller Rink Extra
Clayton Blair Roller Rink Extra
Larry Buckley Roller Rink Extra


Owner Jackmeats Flix
Location Horror Disk 1
Purchased Feb 12, 2024 at YTS
Quantity 1
Seen Feb 13, 2024
Added Date Jul 06, 2017 01:43:22
Modified Date Feb 13, 2024 10:32:15

Edition details

Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 2.0


My quick rating - 5.3/10. I watched the first flick, Found back in 2015 (interesting coincidence), and had no idea there was a sequel until now. It doesn't look like this one is going to stray into the drama section at all since it goes straight into the bloodletting right away. So if a skullf%&k during the credits is too much, you might want to pass. Seems that the writer Nathan Erdel decided to take this entirely in a different direction than the author of Found Todd Rigney traveled down. This flick pays homage to a more grindhouse feel, opening up with a fake trailer to set the mood. Our masked killer played by Shane Beasley was written with some disturbing quirks such as necrophilia and eating eyeballs. They do however give us some insight into why our killer is tormented with such disgusting thoughts and actions. Through flashbacks, we are shown the kid being treated horrendously badly by his mother and sister. To the point that the decapitations abound in this flick almost makes sense. It also explains the skull-masked kid who has been a witness to all of this bloodshed which I had my assumptions about right away. I didn't realize until about halfway through this flick what was going on. Maybe had it not been 9 years since I watched the first one I may have caught on right away, but this isn't really a sequel, this is the story of the lost slasher movie "Headless" that caused the kid's brother to become a serial killer in the first flick. Taking that little blurb from Found and turning it into an entire movie on its own is quite impressive and a good turn here. Still, this movie will not be everyone's cup of tea. I am a gorehound and admit that so there was nothing here to scare me away. But this movie lays it on thick. Repeatedly the deranged killer is shown humping a decapitated head and this is not merely in a suggestive way. The blood is constantly flowing as our killer just stalks and dismembers countless women. It does get a bit repetitive so it was a good use of the flashback scenes to pull you away from the present killing. And speaking of the present, they really nailed the early 80s feel to this whole production. The flick could easily have been a 1980 drive-in double-feature with another exploitation film that the teens would be either making out during or enjoying thoroughly, or both. If you are going to be brave, I suggest you watch Found first since it will just make more sense.


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