Live Free Or Die Hard

Live Free Or Die Hard

20th Century Fox (2007)
Action | Adventure | Thriller
USA | English | Color | 02:10
Full Screen Edition
Blu-ray Xvid
| 2 discs
Region 1
Keep Case

In a world where everything is run electronically, America's virtual infrastructure is wide open to computer hackers and terrorists. When the FBI headquarters itself experiences a cyber-attack, known hackers are sought for questionning. NYPD detective John McClane (Bruce Willis) is ordered to bring in suspect Matthew Farrell (Justin Long). As McClane visits Farrell's residence, gunmen attack and attempt to kill both, but are thwarted by the detective's presence. While escorting Farrell to Washington D. C., the two encounter a major malfunction of the traffic system, apparently initiated by malicious forces. The two continue on foot, but the nation has even greater problems. As anthrax alarms sound unexpectedly throughout government offices and a frightening television broadcast is send over the hijacked airwaves, it's clear that America is under attack. After another attempt on Farrell's life, McClane presses for details about his recent hacking activities, sensing that things are somehow connected. Observing the panic around them and the helplessness of the government, McClane and Farrell realize that they alone can stop the terrorists from bringing the entire system down.


Location Action Disk1
Purchased Aug 02, 2009 for $ 19.99
Quantity 1
Added Date Jul 06, 2017 01:33:08
Modified Date Sep 24, 2018 19:34:27

Edition details

Screen Ratios 1.33:1
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1 [English]
Dolby Digital Stereo [French]
Dolby Digital Stereo [Spanish]
Dolby Digital Surround [French]
Dolby Digital Surround [Spanish]
DTS 5.1 [English]
Subtitles English | Spanish
Distributor 20th Century Fox
Layers Single side, Dual layer
Edition Release Date Nov 20, 2007


1920x800 23fps