Secret Diary Of A Call Girl: Season 4

Secret Diary Of A Call Girl

Secret Diary Of A Call Girl: Season 4

Paramount (2011)
TV Series | Adult | Comedy | Drama
USA | English | Color | 02:56
1 disc

Based on the blogs of high-class London call girl Belle de Jour, this dramatic series follows the title character's secret life in the sex trade. A normal girl by day and a high-class prostitute by night, Belle loves the excitement, money, and independence offered by her double life, but finds that despite the perks offered by her saucy night-time adventures, her alter-ego also causes complications in her personal life.

Episodes View details

1 Episode #4.1 24 min | Feb 01, 2011

Now a house owner, Belle entertains young barrister Liam, whose downstairs problems she alleviates with a little wig-and-gown role play. Through him she learns that Stephanie is remanded in custody for money laundering. Whilst reluctant to take over the business she agrees to host Stephanie's daughter Poppy, who is innocent of her mother's work. Then Ben proposes to her.

2 Episode #4.2 23 min | Feb 08, 2011

Belle reluctantly takes over the business from Stephanie but finds herself being challenged by stroppy Charlotte,who almost gives the game away to Poppy. She feels under pressure and confides in Tim,a boy who has gone with her to prove to himself that he is gay. After meeting Ben's mother - who takes her aside to tell her she knows what she does and has read her book - she agrees that Ben should move in with her.

3 Episode #4.3 24 min | Feb 15, 2011

Belle has a new client, Harry Keegan,a detective sergeant who is handsome but slightly creepy since he knows a lot about her and is keen on having sex in dangerously public places. Poppy finds out at last that her mother and Belle are high-class call girls and the discovery leaves her shocked and angry. Belle's sister Jackie also drops by and,given their history,she is cool towards Ben.

4 Episode #4.4 23 min | Feb 22, 2011

Belle postpones a trip to New York to meet the director of a film based on her book to accompany Poppy on a prison visit to Stephanie. Mother and daughter merely end up rowing. Despite taking on one of Charlotte's clients, a middle-aged man who like to dress as a baby,Belle takes the moral high ground when she catches Poppy in bed with a boy she picked up in a bar. This leads to an argument with Ben and Belle taking the next plane to New York.

5 Episode #4.5 23 min | Mar 01, 2011

Belle lives it up in New York where the female star and male producer of her projected film adaptation get a little too carried away enacting the scenario. She misses Ben and the feeling is mutual as he fights off the attentions of Poppy, whom Charlotte has tried to recruit as a call-girl. Belle is ultimately appalled that the finished screenplay of her book is no more than cheap, shallow porn and returns to England.

6 Episode #4.6 24 min | Mar 08, 2011

Belle returns from America to find Charlotte running the business. Furthermore Poppy has climbed into bed with Ben,giving Belle the wrong idea. She immerses herself in work,pleasuring a Japanese client who likes wrestling as well as winning back star client David from Charlotte. She also wins back Ben after Poppy admits he was innocent but this leads to him accusing Belle of double standards.

7 Episode #4.7 22 min | Mar 15, 2011

After Poppy has moved back to her mother's house Belle goes to a hotel for a vampire role play with film critic Ambrose but he literally dies on the job. In a panic Belle rings Ben but,after their recent cooling off,he has accepted a platonic date with Poppy. The appearance of Harry provides Belle with a shoulder to cry on but she resists his advances and returns to Ben.

8 Episode #4.8 22 min | Mar 22, 2011

Belle has an awkward session with a client who recognizes her from school and a post-coital chat with him leads her to ponder her future. At a party given by Stephanie to celebrate her release Belle meets Harry,who wants her to move in with him but she refuses. She also turns down Ben's proposal,explaining that he is too good for her and that first and foremost she is a career girl.