Watchmen: The Complete Motion Comic


Watchmen: The Complete Motion Comic

Warner Brothers (Jul 17, 2008)
TV Series | Animation | Fantasy | Science Fiction
USA | English | Color | 05:25
Digital Copy and BD-Live
Blu-ray Disc
NR (Not Rated)
| 2 discs
Region 1 | Region A | Region B | Region C
HD Case

The original Watchen Comic series animated with sound.

Episodes View details

1 Chapter I: At Midnight, All the Agents... 26 min | Jul 17, 2008

The insane outlaw superhero, Rorschach, discovers a murder victim was The Comedian, and proceeds to warn his colleague about a possible conspiracy to kill them as well.

2 Chapter II: Absent Friends 30 min | Oct 06, 2008

As Rorschach continues his investigation of The Comedian's murder, his colleagues reflect on their memories of the ironically misanthropic man.

3 Chapter III: The Judge of All the Earth 26 min | Oct 20, 2008

On the day Laurie walks on Dr. Manhattan, the superhuman man is suddenly confronted with disturbing allegations that drive him to leave Earth.

4 Chapter IV: Watchmaker 30 min | Nov 03, 2008

Cursed with perceiving all time periods at once, Dr. Manhattan reviews his life while on Mars.

5 Chapter V: Fearful Symmetry 25 min | Nov 17, 2008

As Rorschach continues his investigation, an attempt on Adrian Veidt's life seems to support his Mask-Killer theory.

6 Chapter VI: The Abyss Gazes Also 30 min | Dec 01, 2008

During examinations by a naive psychiatrist, the imprisoned Rorschach wears down his interviewer's spirit by recounting his own life and philosophy.

7 Chapter VII: A Brother to Dragons 26 min | Dec 15, 2008

As Dan and Laurie's relationship grows, they decide to venture out as Nite-Owl and Silk Spectre again on one special night.

8 Chapter VIII: Old Ghosts 25 min | Dec 29, 2008

While Rorschach faces deadly peril in prison, Dan and Laurie's decision to break him out to investigate his increasingly plausible conspiracy theory has terrible consequences.

9 Chapter IX: The Darkness of Mere Being 28 min | Jan 12, 2009

As Doctor Manhattan brings Laurie to Mars to debate why he should return to Earth to save it, her personal memories and a shattering revelation from them play a critical role.

10 Chapter X: Two Riders Were Approaching... 27 min | Jan 26, 2009

As Nite-Owl and Rorschach investigate the apparent conspiracy against them, their discovery of the prime suspect forces them on a possible one way journey to confront him.

11 Chapter XI: Look on My Works, Ye Mighty... 29 min | Feb 09, 2009

In Antarctica as Nite-Owl and Rorschach prepare to face him, Ozymandias explains his life and plans even as he executes them.

12 Chapter XII: A Stronger Loving World 28 min | Feb 23, 2009

Too late to stop their enemy, the heroes' attempt to bring him to justice finds them confronted with a profoundly agonizing moral dilemma.