

Warner Bros. (May 04, 1944)
Drama | Horror | Thriller
USA | English | Black & White | 03:18
NR (Not Rated)
| 1 disc
Region 1
Snap Case

In the late 19th century, Paula Alquist is studying music in Italy, but ends up abandoning her classes because she's fallen in love with the gallant Gregory Anton. The couple marries and moves to England to live in a home inherited by Paula from her aunt, herself a famous singer, who was mysteriously murdered in the house ten years before. Though Paula is certain that she sees the house's gaslights dim every evening and that there are strange noises coming from the attic, Gregory convinces Paula that she's imagining things. Meanwhile, a Scotland Yard inspector, Brian Cameron, becomes sympathetic to Paula's plight.

Cast View all

Charles Boyer Gregory Anton
Ingrid Bergman Paula Alquist
Joseph Cotten Brian Cameron
Dame May Whitty Miss Thwaites
Angela Lansbury Nancy
Barbara Everest Elizabeth
Emil Rameau Maestro Guardi
Edmund Breon General Huddleston
Halliwell Hobbes Mr. Muffin
Tom Stevenson Williams
Heather Thatcher Lady Dalroy
Lawrence Grossmith Lord Dalroy
Jakob Gimpel Pianist
Harry Adams Policeman
Lassie Lou Ahern Young Girl
John Ardizoni Cab Man
Frank Baker Pedestrian
Wilson Benge Pedestrian
Arnold Bennett Footman
Florence Benson Pedestrian
Arthur Blake Butler
Lillian Bronson Lady
Leonard Carey Guide
Alec Craig Turnkey
Antonio D'Amore Cab Man