Lost: Season 4


Lost: Season 4

Buena Vista (Jan 31, 2008)
TV Series | Adventure | Fantasy | Mystery | Television
USA | English | Color | 09:35
Exapanded Experience
Blu-ray Disc
NR (Not Rated)
| 5 discs
Region 1 | Region A
Custom Case

After their plane, Oceanic Air flight 815, tore apart whilst thousands of miles off course, the survivors find themselves on a mysterious deserted island where they soon find out they are not alone.

Episodes View details

1 The Beginning of the End 43 min | Jan 31, 2008

Charlie's dying message casts doubt on the intentions of the people that Jack believes to be their rescuers. A power struggle ensues between Jack, who wants to leave the island, and Locke, who thinks that they're supposed to stay.

2 Confirmed Dead 43 min | Feb 07, 2008

The surviving members of the supposed "rescue team" are scattered around the island. Once they are located, they reluctantly reveal that they are indeed not there to rescue the Oceanic 815 survivors.

3 The Economist 43 min | Feb 14, 2008

Sayid negotiates a deal with Locke to hand over Charlotte from the "rescue team," so that he can get on their helicopter and reach their ship. Kate joins Sayid for the mission, but she decides to stay behind with Sawyer.

4 Eggtown 43 min | Feb 21, 2008

Kate goes behind Locke's back to arrange a meeting between Miles and Ben, where Miles offers his terms for not giving Ben up to his colleagues. Locke discovers what she has done and banishes her from his camp.

5 The Constant 43 min | Feb 28, 2008

During the helicopter ride to the ship, Desmond's consciousness begins jumping back and forth between present day 2004 and 1996. He is forced to find Daniel Faraday in 1996 in order to get answers and stop the jumps.

6 The Other Woman 43 min | Mar 06, 2008

Daniel and Charlotte leave Jack's camp to fulfill their objective, and Jack and Juliet try to track them down before they are successful. Juliet's romantic history on the island with The Others is exposed.

7 Ji Yeon 43 min | Mar 13, 2008

Juliet exposes Sun's pre-island affair to Jin so that they won't defect to Locke's camp. Sayid and Desmond meet the ship's captain and discover who is working on the boat.

8 Meet Kevin Johnson 43 min | Mar 20, 2008

Michael's journey from escaping the island to working as Ben's spy on Widmore's ship is revealed, as well as his mission. Ben tells Danielle and Alex to leave Locke's camp and go to the island temple, but they are ambushed on the way.

9 The Shape of Things to Come 43 min | Apr 24, 2008

The team from the ship attacks Locke's camp looking for Ben, with Alex as a hostage. The doctor from the ship washes up on shore at Jack's camp and Faraday provides some distressing news.

10 Something Nice Back Home 43 min | May 01, 2008

Juliet is forced to perform an emergency appendectomy on Jack, Jack's post-rescue relationship with Kate is revealed, and Sawyer, Claire, and Aaron head back to Jack's camp with Miles.

11 Cabin Fever 44 min | May 08, 2008

Locke, Ben, and Hurley continue their search for the cabin so that Locke can talk to Jacob. Back on the boat, Keamy prepares to take off again, this time for an all-out assault on the island.

12 There's No Place Like Home: Part 1 43 min | May 15, 2008

Ben, Locke, and Hurley go to The Orchid, only to find Keamy and his men already there. Jack and Kate go after the helicopter and come across Sawyer in the jungle. Sayid comes back to the island with a rescue boat and goes after them too.

13 There's No Place Like Home: Part 2 40 min | May 29, 2008

Ben tries to escape Keamy's custody so that he and Locke can follow through with Jacob's request to move the island. Michael tries to neutralize the explosives on the boat, while the "Oceanic 6" move closer to rescue.

14 There's No Place Like Home: Part 3 44 min | May 29, 2008

In the season finale, the Oceanic Six find themselves closer to rescue.