World's Finest: Teen Titans #6B

World's Finest: Teen Titans


Blitzkrieg, Finale

Release: Dec 12, 2023
Cover: Feb 2024
Modern Age | Color | USA | English
Evan 'Doc' Shaner Variant
| Comic | 32 pages | $ 4.99

THE SUPER-SHOWDOWN! It's the Teen Titans versus the Anti-Titans in the melee of the miniseries, with Lilith, Gnarrk, and Mal joining in on the side of our heroes! After the last blow is dealt, the Titans must face something even more uncertain than battle: change. Mal helps Aqualad make sense of his dating dilemma. Bumblebee second-guesses her growing feelings for Mal. Donna must choose between Paradise Island and Man's World. And Robin and Speedy try to reach a resolution.

Creators View all

Writer Mark Waid
Artist Mike Norton, Emanuela Lupacchino
Cover Artist Evan 'Doc' Shaner
Colorist Jordie Bellaire
Letterer Steve Wands
Editor Brittany Holzherr
Editor in Chief Marie Javins

Characters View all

Ant Eddie Whit
Aqualad Garth
Artemis Artemis Crock
Batman Bruce Wayne
Bumblebee Karen Beecher
Golden Eagle Charlie Parker
Green Arrow Oliver Queen
Kid Flash Wally West
Malcolm 'Mal' Duncan
Robin Dick Grayson
Speedy Roy Harper
Wonder Girl Donna Troy