World War Hulk #2A


World War Hulk


World War Hulk

Release: Jul 11, 2007
Cover: Sep 2007
Modern Age | Color | USA | English
| Comic | 64 pages | $ 3.99

Upon learning of the Hulk's return, Iron Man made himself the first line of defense against him. Hoping to use the same S.P.I.N. technology he used to neutralize She-Hulk, Tony Stark engaged the Hulk alone to minimize casualties. But for some reason, S.P.I.N. had no effect on the Hulk, and Iron Man fell to his assault. Now the remaining heroes in New York are scrambling to put together their own defenses. The Mighty Avengers, aided by several of the New Avengers and She-Hulk attempt to confront the Hulk and talk him out of this destructive path. But not even his cousin, She-Hulk can dissuade the Hulk after his losses. The Hulk and his Warbound soundly defeat the Avengers, and move on to face the Fantastic Four. But the Hulk's attack on New York has hardly gone unnoticed by the government. The US military has mobilized a non-super-powered response to the Hulk's attack, lead by his old nemesis, General Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross!

Creators View all

Writer Greg Pak
Cover Penciller David Finch
Cover Inker Danny Miki
Cover Colorist Frank G. D'Armata
Penciller John Romita Jr.
Inker Klaus Janson
Colorist Christina Strain
Letterer Chris Eliopoulos
Editor Mark Paniccia, Nate Cosby
Editor in Chief Joe Quesada

Characters View all

Spider-Man Peter Parker
The Thing Benjamin J. Grimm
Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards
Human Torch Jonathan 'Johnny' Storm
Hulk Robert Bruce Banner
Invisible Woman Susan Storm Richards
Doctor Strange Stephen Strange
Storm Ororo Munroe
Black Panther T'Challa
Angel Warren Worthington III
Wonder Man Simon Williams
Iron Fist Daniel 'Danny' Rand
Hercules (Marvel) Heracles Panhellenios
Ms. Marvel Carol Danvers
Rick Jones
Doc Samson Leonard Samson
Sentry Robert Reynolds
Thaddeus E. 'Thunderbolt' Ross
Ares John Aaron
Ronin Clint Barton
Echo Maya Lopez
Namora Aquaria Nautica Neptunia
Spider-Woman Veranke
Gabriel 'Gabe' Jones
Mastermind Excello Amadeus Cho
Cage, Luke Carl Lucas
Elloe Kaifi
Miek the Unhived
Hiroim the Shamed
No-Name (Brood)