Batman / Catwoman #6B

Batman /

Batman / Catwoman


The Bat & The Cat, Chapter VI - Joy To The World

Release: Jul 07, 2021
Cover: Oct 2021
DC Black Label
Modern Age | Color | USA | English
Jim Lee Variant
| Comic | 32 pages | $ 4.99

As mysteries deepen, so do resentments. Throughout her life, Catwoman's actions have caused many close to her to doubt her motivations. Bruce Wayne, Phantasm, and now her daughter have all had their suspicions about her deals with The Joker. And when she killed the old clown, did it trigger this feline's ninth life? Or maybe it was really over all those years ago, the first time Phantasm drew her blood and Batman had to face a harsh truth. There are big revelations waiting to be found here at the halfway point in Tom King and Clay Mann's final word on the Bat/Cat romance!

Creators View all

Writer Tom King
Artist Clay Mann
Cover Penciller Jim Lee
Cover Inker Scott Williams
Cover Colorist Alex Sinclair
Colorist Tomeu Morey
Letterer Clayton Cowles
Editor Jamie S. Rich, Brittany Holzherr, Bixie Mathieu
Editor in Chief Marie Javins

Characters View all

Batman Bruce Wayne
Catwoman Selina Kyle
Dick Grayson
Joker The Joker
Phantasm Andrea Beaumont
Batwoman Helena Wayne