Batman / Catwoman #2A

Batman /

Batman / Catwoman


The Bat & The Cat, Chapter II: Up On The House Top - Up On The House Top

Release: Jan 19, 2021
Cover: Mar 2021
DC Black Label
Modern Age | Color | USA | English
Regular Clay Mann Cover
| Comic | 32 pages | $ 4.99

Phantasm has come to Gotham City! Andrea Beaumont, the one-time love of Bruce Wayne, is looking for her lost child, and she's pretty sure The Joker is involved. So, who better to have as an ally than Batman? And what better way to get to Batman than through Catwoman? It's a knotted history for this costumed quartet, spanning past, present, and future. What The Joker did to Selina Kyle at the beginning of her career will have deadly consequences at the end of their lives. Tom King's ultimate tale of the Dark Knight kicks into high gear as the story roars down the avenues only hinted at in the pages of Batman.

Creators View all

Writer Tom King
Artist Clay Mann
Cover Artist Clay Mann
Cover Colorist Tomeu Morey
Colorist Tomeu Morey
Letterer Clayton Cowles
Editor Jamie S. Rich, Brittany Holzherr, Bixie Mathieu
Editor in Chief Marie Javins

Characters View all

Batman Bruce Wayne
Alfred Pennyworth
Catwoman Selina Kyle
Joker The Joker
Phantasm Andrea Beaumont
Selina Kyle (Last Rites)
Bruce Wayne (Last Rites)