The Insatiable

The Insatiable

ThinkFilm (2006)
Anime | Comedy | Horror | Romance
USA | English | Color | 01:43
Blu-ray Xvid
| 1 disc
Region 1

A drab, run-of-the-mill guy witnesses a vampiress devour a bum and becomes so infatuated with her, he tracks her down and traps her in a basement so she can't kill again.

Cast View all

Sean Patrick Flanery Harry Balbo
Michael Biehn Strickland
Charlotte Ayanna Tatiana
Jon Huertas Javier
Josh Hopkins Chet
Boyd Kestner Detective Michael Loper
Brad Rowe Ronnie Klein
Amanda Noret Cindi
Gigi Erneta Female Detective
Jimmy Gonzales Sammy
Natalia MacLeod Dream on Babe
Denver Dunlap Young Cop
Mark Grzebyk Meter Reader
Joe Grzebyk Shop Foreman
Zack Gamble Frat Boy #1
Sam Cirrincione Jr. Frat Boy #2
Craig Knapp Delivery Man
Sandra Brooks Pet Store Clerk
Tiya Sircar Lisa
J.C. The Screamer
Nicole Taylor Morphing Blond Girl
Andrea Lee Crime Scene Photographer
Bryan McCarthy Bus Driver
Marcus Sexton Hardware Store Clerk
Vanessa Ringold Female Detective #2


Owner Review?
Location Deleted
Purchased Sep 13, 2018 at YTS
Quantity 1
Seen Oct 14, 2018 at home
Added Date Sep 13, 2018 19:09:58
Modified Date Oct 27, 2018 05:29:04


My quick rating - 4,3/10. When an everyday guy witnesses a vampire killing a bum he becomes entranced by her and wants to track her down to keep for his own. Ok, the movie has some funny moments, more at the sake of making fun of the main character but overall this movie had one gigantic problem I just couldn't look past. Let's say you want to trap a vampire, or really anyone for that matter. If you were going to use a cage, I would think having the bars spaced out at shoulder width wouldn't do much to keep something in. There was no magic or anything involved, just a female vampire inside a cage with bars spaced apart that anyone could just turn slightly sideways and walk right out. Even if the visual wasn't bad enough throughout the whole movie showing this obvious problem, at one point she drags a full sized man right into the cage without any issue further adding to how stupid that was. If you can get past that, you still don't end up with a very good movie as it just plods through the minor romance story and ends just as you know it is going to. Very B-budget which shows in the great scenery of your everyday basement, corner convenient store and maybe one block of your everyday small city. Definitely pass on this one.


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